Sprinkler Thief:
We will have to check the spot price of brass recycling. We just had 16 commercial Rain Bird sprinklers stolen in the area. If you get solicited to buy sprinklers for your facility and it’s not from a known source or one of our local farm suppliers, give us a call. We would like to talk to the person selling them. Write down their license plate number, that’s a big help.
Don’t worry, that’s not a new species of fish in your farm or ranch pond. Skimmers are a tool used by crooks to steal your identity and credit card info. In short, a skimmer is an electronic microcomputer the size of a small deck of cards. It is often used in a portable mode or installed at non-bank ATM’s and gas station pumps.
Crooks will use a skimmer to read your card and personal information. Then they manufacture a clone card and almost always use it within 30 days. The card may be used online for purchases, Ebay or out of state.
We often catch them because you are diligent watching your transactions at online statements etc.. Often the crooks won’t make purchases for weeks after they stole your info. During that time it is hard for the victim to remember where they used the card legitimately.
A Farm-Watch member just cracked open a case against some crooks putting a skimmer in place. The Farm Watch member noticed a small illegal credit card charge. He was very alert to where his card was used in the last 30 days and our detectives wanted to pass on a big thanks for his tip…
Piru Fest
The fun community event will feature local talent, food, games and more during Labor Day weekend, Saturday, September 5, 2009. It is a free, family event and a great time. It starts at 3 p.m and ends at 10 p.m.
I have been told, that this year, I will be attending at the festival’s dunk tank. It will help raise well-needed community money.
I’ve never been to a “dunk tank,” but apparently people will pay a small donation and be able to throw a donut at me while I sit above a shark infested water tank.
If the thrown donut makes it to the target, the seat drops and I swim with the sharks. I’m counting on the fact that it is a donut and it will never make it past me. Have you ever seen a cop that didn’t like a donut? I'm wet if it is not a donut thrown.
All told, this will be a fun event for Piru to showcase their community spirit.
Cell Sites:
The planned Piru Canyon Verizon Cell Site is rolling along through the permit process. This will really increase public safety in the area. I will keep you posted.
For fun, I have attached a photo of an existing local cell site in our rural area. The wood tank and tower is purely a prop. A huge thanks to Kevin Mc Sweeny for designing such a great agricultural element.
Do you know where this cell site is?
Santa Paula Canyon:
Our Farm Watch region covers over 455 square miles from upper Ojai to Newhall Ranch. I just looked at our Santa Clara River Valley and Upper Ojai crime stats and the area has already had 16 vehicle burglaries since May 1st.
This concerns us.
For example, we have just had a couple thefts from cars parked at Santa Paula Canyon. When the victims were interviewed, we found that the victim’s observed our theft warning signs but choose to leave their money and wallets visible in the cars. Make sure you use their experience to toughen up your car or truck security. Never leave personal items in the passenger area of a car or truck. Crooks know you will be hiking or horseback riding for hours.
County Roads:
Taggers have been hitting us hard on South Mountain Road. We have increased our patrols and your tips help us out. The County Roads Department has helped by using newly planted drought resistant landscape in the high “tag” areas such as the county gravel yard on South Mountain, 2 miles east of the 12th Street Bridge.
The County Roads Dept did a great job out there and our calls for service in that specific area have slowed down. Sergeant Dave Wareham has a crew of volunteers that each week head out to farm areas and help repaint as quickly as possible. It takes all of us as a team of farmers, ranchers, residents, Roads Dept, and CHP to stay vigilant in the rural areas.
If you have some significant tagging, you can photo it, repaint and call us for an investigation report. Our tagging crime fighter Deputies Matt and Gene love to catch these kids. We don't mind using your digital photos because we know you are anxious to get it covered up.
We have had some complaints from local rural drivers that subjects are hiding on foot and are throwing rocks at passing cars and trucks on State Route 23 near Fillmore. Let us know if this has happen to you. It is a serious crime and dangerous for all concerned.
Wandering Cattle:
Once and a while, ate at night, drivers will accidentally crash into wire fences along our ranch and farm roads. Many times, they try to get out of there before CHP or your deputies arrive on scene. I know that’s hard to believe.
Sometimes, the local range cattle and horses can escape and cause a hazard to driver and animal. If you do not know the phone number of the rancher, please call animal control and or the Sheriff’s Department. Many times our deputies know the ranchers and if not, we can get the State Brand Inspector to quickly identify the owner and facilitate a quick reunion.
Be safe Farm Watch…