U.C. Hansen Agricultural Center launches 2011 Saturday at the Farm Education series

The UC Hansen Agricultural Center (UCHAC) will kick off its Saturday at the Farm education series on February 26th. This year the center will broaden the scope of agricultural related topics featuring a variety of speakers from agricultural programs at California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo, as well as UC Cooperative Extension-Ventura.

This month’s speaker, Dr. Rafael Jimenez, a professor of Dairy Science at Cal Poly, will present A University Professor’s Point of View on Cheese: Past, Present, and Future. Get an insight into cheese making: history, technology, varieties, flavors, and textures—10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Fee: $5/person. Space is limited, reservations required. Call 805-525-9293 ext 214 or email: sbmiller@ucdavis.edu.

The center will be open on February 26th from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for self-guided Faulkner House, garden tours, and Master Gardener plant sale. If you would like to participate in these activities, no reservation required. For more information visit our website at www.uchansentrust.org. UCHAC is located at 14292 W. Telegraph Rd in Santa Paula. Admission to the farm and parking are free.