Ojai Photography Community Presents “The Bald Eagles of Lake Casitas”
![]() Photograph by Photographer Sally Carless. By Ojai Photography Community — Wednesday, February 12th, 2020
Free public event Tuesday, February 18, at 7 p.m. in Help of Ojai’s Kent Hall
![]() Photograph by Photographer Sally Carless. ![]() Photograph by Photographer Sally Carless. ![]() Photograph by Photographer Sally Carless. ![]() Photograph by Photographer Bob Massey. ![]() Photograph by Photographer Bob Massey. ![]() Photograph by Photographer Bob Massey. ![]() Photograph by Photographer Bob Massey. The Ojai Photography Community opens its 2020 season of monthly events with “The Bald Eagles of Lake Casitas,” presented by wildlife photographers Sally Car-less and Bob Massey on Tuesday, February 18, at 7 p.m. in Help of Ojai’s Kent Hall, 111 Santa Ana Road, Ojai. The event is free and the general public is invited to attend. The bald eagle was chosen as the national symbol of the fledgling United States in 1782, representing strength and freedom. Although images of the eagles appeared everywhere in currency and official seals, the real bald eagles in the wild were not treated with the respect given to the symbol. Habitat loss, hunting and pesticides eventually drove them to the brink of extinction, until vigorous conservation efforts and the ban on DDT reversed the trend. After nearly 100 years of absence, bald eagles returned to the Ventura County mainland in 2010, nesting on the shores of Lake Casitas. Carless was there on her birthday in 2013 to see the very first eagle chicks. They captivated her heart and from that time on she has observed, photographed and filmed the eagle family. Her solo exhibit, “A Year with the Eagles,” appeared in 2014. “It has been a life-changing experience for me to be able to spend time in the company of our local eagles,” Carless says. She will share information, images and short video clips, as well as the intangible moments: her personal experience of healing, the magic of being with the eagles and the depth of friendships made where the eagles nest. Massey connected with the Lake Casitas eagles through Carless’s exhibit. Since child-hood he had longed to observe bald eagles in the wild and in 2014 his dream became reality. “It has been a journey of love and discovery,” says Massey, “and my images are my attempt to document and pay tribute to one of nature’s finest creatures.” His presentation will include information regarding viewing, life cycle stages, identification and some earmark behaviors. To demonstrate his photography technique, he will discuss one of his eagle shots before and after processing. This will be followed by a few images that will simply show off the majestic beauty of the eagles. Then he will conclude with a couple of minutes of eagle humor. Sally Carless, educator and photographer, sees photography as a way to inspire and help people reconnect with nature, and to remind them of the beauty that surrounds us in every moment. She is the founder and director of Global Village School, now in its twentieth year, an international K-12 homeschool diploma program emphasizing peace, justice, diversity, and sustainability. Bob Massey, retired IT professional and advanced amateur photographer, developed his love of nature and passion for observing animal behavior while growing up in rural New Jersey. An early interest in nature photography went on the back burner during his years of career and marriage. In 2014, inspired by Sally Carless’s exhibit, “A Year with the Eagles,” he decided to re-commit himself to the documentation and celebration of wildlife in photography. The Ojai Photography Community, which is devoted to inspiration, camaraderie and education, meets on the third Tuesday of each month, February – November. Monthly free presentations are part of the group’s community service and education outreach. |