Come join Pro-peace, pro-family procession
Please join the pro-peace, pro-family rosary and procession on Saturday, March 21st, at Sheills Park, ending at Saint Francis of Assisi Church.
Please join the pro-peace, pro-family rosary and procession on Saturday, March 21st, at Sheills Park, ending at Saint Francis of Assisi Church.
March 21st

YOU ARE CORDIALLY invited to a Rosary Rally recently organized for Fillmore to strengthen and celebrate the family as designed by our Creator.

On Saturday, March 21, 2015, at 12 PM there will be a pro-peace and pro-family rosary and procession from Sheills Park to St. Francis of Assisi Church in the City of Fillmore. The participants will join in singing, and in the recitation of the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet, praying for the physical and spiritual health of members of their families, the community, the country and of the world.

To clarify, the procession will take place from the park to the Church, NOT from the Church as previously stated. Our apologies for any confusion. We hope to see you there at the park! For any further information, please contact Darlene Lorenz at (805) 524-9929.