Iraq: Attempts to strengthen laws protecting women "have gone nowhere"
By Anonymous — Monday, October 17th, 2011
The most stubborn source of resistance to reforms against domestic violence in Muslim countries is the invocation of chapter and verse from the Qur'an. In Qur'an 4:34, Allah says a man can hit (yes, hit) his wife if he fears disobedience from her. Yes, domestic violence occurs in the West, but it is illegal, and it is condemned as a backward and abhorrent practice that must be obliterated, not regulated or managed. Meanwhile, in Islamic countries, at the risk of contradicting Allah, self-styled reformers must try to split hairs about translations and propose limitations on how hard a man can hit, or emphasize the notion that hitting is a "last resort" while leaving the principle of the matter untouched: at the end of the day, Allah says Muslim men can hit their wives. And so... |