Puppet Show at city hall and Puppet workshop have been cancelled
By Anonymous — Monday, August 13th, 2012
The Puppet Show at city hall and Puppet workshop have been cancelled. Sorry. I tried to re-schedule for another date, they are booked through 2013. Sister Florettes Music Class is a GO! Making Music, singing twice. Prayer * Music * Movement Register now for the Music Summer Camp. in classroom 8 (pre-school room) Ages 0 – 4 accompanied with parent. Aug. 20 – 24, 10:00 am, 11:00 am Registration $5.00 Materials: $25 includes 1 CD and a Music Book. Please share the information with your family and friends. Contact Sr. Florette Marie at 496-3243, Ext. 735 Sister will be here again on Sunday registering. If you are interested please come to the 9 or 11:15AM Mass. GOD BLESS ! Mr. Michael A. Lara, D.R.E. That hope is deceitful which hopes to be saved amid the occasions of sin. St. Augustine |