Saint Francis of Assisi Parish News
By Anonymous — Wednesday, October 5th, 2011
Saint Francis of Assisi offers Catechism classes for children in grades 1,2,3,4,5,6. Our Children’s First Communion preparation is only 1 year and begins in grade 3. Our Registration for First Communion children & Parents in grades 3,4,5,6 will be on Sunday October 16th at 10:00 AM in the church. Registration is only $60 per child. Please pay by check or money order. This will be your receipt A Parent and child must attend the registration meeting to receive all information. God Bless Registration for Children in Grades 1 & 2. Registration forms can be found in the pastoral center. Registration is only $60 per child. Please return forms The 40 Days for Life Campaign is once again on. Please make it a point to stop by at the Ventura Planned Parenthood and pray for the evil of abortion to end. You can sign up on-line as in previous years @ If you have any Questions please call Leti Olvera @524-4030 Thank You. Coming Together as a Parish Family - OCTOBER SOCIAL Saint Francis Gift Store Our Lady’s Rosary Makers Will meet on the Second Tuesday of the Month, October 11th at 10:15 AM Classrooms 5 & 6 Learn to make Rosaries—Spreading the Gospel one Rosary at a time Saint Francis Assisi Folklorico Group—Children ages 8 and up are invited to become new members. The group meets on Sundays at 2PM in the parish hall. Call Liz at 223-1223 for more info. PLEASE NOTE: On Sun. Oct. 23 we will have a second collection for World Mission Sunday We are now on Facebook look for us - Saint Francis Attention all 2011 Confirmed High School Students—Let’s meet and eat every last Saturday of the month 12:00-2:00pm in rooms 5 and 6. Toni Galvez will be available for guidance and follow up. Not mandatory, it is voluntary. Do you want to continue to grow in your faith? Come join us Saturday October 29th! |