Saint Francis of Assisi Religious Education Parent Association is sponsoring an Enchilada fund raiser at Saint Francis of Assisi Hall on Saturday March 20th from 5 to 7PM. Dine in or Take out. $9 per plate / 3 Chicken Enchiladas, Rice, Beans and Salad Pre-sale tickets only no tickets will be sold at the door to purchase tickets please come to the Pastoral Center or call Rebecca Cantero at 805-276-1921. Come and reminice with old friends and meet new friends. Special thanks to the Magaña family from Tlaquepaque fine Mexican food in Santa Paula for providing the food.
Saint Francis of Assisi Senior Breakfast serves seniors (60 years of older) from 8AM to 9:30AM, Monday through Friday. All senior's are welcome a samll, voluntary donation will be accepted.
Growing up Catholic Sessions for our parents and children in first communion will be held on Thursday March 11 & 25 at 6PM in the parish hall.
Stations of the Cross and Soup for the soul continues through Lent Stations begin at 5:30PM and Soup follows in the Parish Hall. Bring your family. A basket is set out for love gifts towards our Saint Vincent de Paul Society who put together 180 bags of food each Tuesday and to cover the soup supplies. Bring the family. For more info., contact Marie Alviz at 524-5837.
Monday March 15 thru Thursday March 18
Morning Schedule 8:15AM Rosary, 8:30AM Mass followed by a reflection. Evening Reflection at 7:30PM in the Church. On Wednesday, March 17 we will have our Penance service and several priests hearing individual confession in English.