Saint Francis News

This Sunday we are reminded how the Spirit led Jesus into the desert where he fasted for forty days and forty nights. Fasting can be a form of prayer as it focuses our attention on things that matter. What are the things we must personally focus upon during these Lenten days?

The devil tempts Jesus to doubt his relationship with God, to doubt God’s providence, and then to use his power to save himself. Jesus resists, but each one of us face temptations to mistrust our experience of God’s love in our lives or to lose sight of the common good. Our Lenten fasting and prayer offer an opportunity to refocus on the Word of God and resist temptations.

Here are some web sites for you to visit during Lent - A three minute invitation to have a retreat each day - A variety of Roman Catholic books to order, Lenten Reflections & lots of great info. -A series of meditations in the Ignatian Traditions of Imaginative contemplation. These reflections provide you with an opportunity to encounter Jesus in a personal, unique way.

We have Daily Mass at Saint Francis in English Monday through Friday at 8:30AM and on Saturday Morning at 8AM followed by coffee and fellowship in the Parish Hall. Everyone is Welcome. Misa en Español durante la semana de lunes a viernes es a las 7PM.

On Tuesdays at 10AM in the Parish Hall we reach out to those in need by offering a large bag of fresh vegetables, bread and canned goods. Around 100 families come in each week for a bag. On the First Friday of the month at 12noon, food bags are given out through the food share truck. All are welcome !

Contact Vidal Morales at 524-4408

During the season of Lent we use the popular devotion of praying the Stations of the cross on the Fridays
of Lent. Each station is a meditation on Jesus' last walk along the Via Dolorosa towards Calvary . As a community we will gather in the church at 6PM each Friday of Lent to pray and walk the Stations of the Cross just as Jesus did. Last year 14 families donated the out door Stations of the Cross in our meditation Garden . In preparation for Lent 2014 we had L.E.D. lighting installed to illuminate each station and walkway for evening prayer. On the first Friday of Lent, March 7th we will turn on the new lights as we pray The outdoor Stations of the Cross at 6PM followed by a bowl of soup in the Parish Hall. All are welcome!

THIS LENT WOULD YOU LIKE TO EVANGELIZE AND BRING PEOPLE TO CHURCH OR BRING BACK FALLEN AWAY CATHOLICS BACK HOME? COME TO SAINT FRANCIS ON SUNDAY MARCH 23RD - To help get you started in your life of evangelization (or assist you if you are already active) Saint Francis will be bringing Mr. Terry Barber as a guest speaker on Sunday afternoon, March 23rd from 3 to 4PM in the church, followed by a coffee social in the courtyard. Terry has 30 years experience in evangelization and has recently authored a book entitled, “How to Share Your Faith with Anyone-A practical manual for Catholic Evangelization”. The conference is free. If you wish to purchase a Book, they will be available for around $17. Everyone is Invited. EVANGELIZE THIS LENT!

All parish men are invited to go to Facebook and Like this page MEN living for Greatness— that has excellent tools and resources for living a life of greatness in their Catholic Faith. For internet users go to Men living for greatness, is continually coming out with new tools and resources that are simple to use and extremely effective. Visit the site regularly. Enjoy !

OUR CHILDRENS MASS IS CELEBRATED EVERY SECOND SUNDAY OF THE MONTH AT THE 9:15AM MASS After Mass, everyone is invited to the courtyard for fellowship. We will have Irish music and a dancer or two. A coffee, hot chocolate and doughnut fundraiser will be served and all proceeds go to the parish.

On Sunday March 30th all are invited to our Breakfast in the Parish Hall. The family of Rosa Morales will sponsor this event 4 times a year and all proceeds will go to the Parish.

Good Catholic reading is free and available at the pamphlet rack in the main entrance to the church.
Start your Lenten journey learning more about your faith in short and easy pamphlet form that will inspire, inform, and help you to evangelize others. Wishing you a Holy and Blessed Lenten Season!

Gift Store News we are open on Sundays from 10AM to 3PM and Monday thru Saturday during our Pastoral Center Office Hours, listed on the cover of the bulletin. Come in and visit !

Families of Nazareth meet on Tuesday nights in room 4 from 7:30 to 8:30pm. For an evening of prayer and reflection, come join us. All are welcome! great website for kids of all ages. So many great Catholic teachings!

Forty Days for Life begins March 5, through April 13. Please join us in prayer in front of Planned Parenthood from 7am-7pm. 7 days a week. You can go to website and sign up for a scheduled time. Also you can remember this cause in your daily sacrifices and prayers too.

2nd Sunday Children's Choir!!! Come make a joyful noise!!! It is never too late to join. Please call Marie Alviz at 509-0467 if your children are interested in singing. We have a lot
of fun singing and playing instruments together

Rachel's Vineyard Retreat weekend for Healing after Abortion
Rachel's Vineyard retreat is for men and women struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The retreat is designed to help participants work through repressed grief and anger in a safe, nonjudgmental setting and come to acceptance, healing, and hope for the future. Developed in the Roman Catholic Tradition, it utilizes spiritual exercises and rituals to help grieve the loss of unborn children and to accept God’s forgiveness. All inquiries and registrations are confidential. April 4-6, Duarte , CA Cost: $215. per person. For registration or more information please call: 866-272-2435

Michael A. Lara
Saint Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church "A rest stop for the Soul"
1048 W. Ventura Street Fillmore, CA. 93015

Telephone: (805) 524-1306 ext. 17 FAX: (805) 524-0784

Thank you for your message and for all that you do for Saint Francis of Assisi! God Bless