Saint Francis Parish Family News

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THE FEAST OF DIVINE MERCY SCHEDULE APRIL 27TH When celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday, the faithful are called to reflect more personally on the graces won through the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this way their hearts may be more fully aware of the mercy of God for them personally and for the sake of the world

Principal English Mass for DIVING MERCY AT THE 11:15AM MASS Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament following the 1PM Mass Father Artur will lead A Procession followed by Divine Mercy Conference and Benediction

Divine Mercy Breakfast by the Family of Jim and Mary Stehly following our
9:15 and 11:15AM Mass
Fresh squeezed OJ, coffee, eggs from happy chickens, Chilequiles short of your Mom making them! $5 for Adults and $3 for Kiddos. All parishioners are invited to bring their lovely family to breakfast and celebrate this wonderful day !

Our Saint Francis Gift store is raffling a 38"x30" Divine Mercy Painting.
Tickets are on sale after the Masses for $5.00. The winner will be announced today.

The Respect Life ministry will be selling beautiful orchid corsages at all the masses until they run out on Mother’s Day weekend: Corsages are $5 and the money raised will go to the Life Centers of Ventura County to help pregnant women in need in our community. Learn more or call (805) 486-2721. Thank you for your support.

Ken Hensley a former protestant Minister and now a practicing Catholic and a member of our parish family will offer a series of topics on how God nudged his heart to
became a Catholic and how to better understand our Catholic faith. The
Schedule of Ken’s Tuesday talks;
April 29, May 6, 20 & 27, June 3, 17 & 24. Come and join us at 7:40PM in the church.

Monthly Bible Study First Monday of the Month at 7:40PM in the church Come to this popular bible study on Monday, May 5th. Everyone is invited. If you do not have a Bible we have a variety of them in the gift store along with bible tabs. First communion parents, please sign in using the list on the piano.

Blessings for Couples celebrating a wedding Anniversary in MAY—On the third Sunday of each Month we honor and pray for our couples celebrating wedding anniversaries. To sign up for the MAY 18TH blessing at the 9:15AM Mass, Couples are encouraged to call the pastoral center at the beginning of the month.

Marriage Encounter —Come experience the life giving water of Christ at a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next weekends are in Ventura Apr 25-27 and in Chatsworth July 18-20; for more info. contact Ed and Jo Lara 818-848-6729

SUNDAY, May 18 at 2:30PM Meeting with Father Artur for; First Communion Parents, Children & Nino/a in the Church.

THIS WEEKEND WE WELCOME FATHER JERRY BEAT From Unbound Ministry Father Jerry is a Bilingual priest from the Archdiocese of Kansas City, He will be preaching on how do we care for the Poor this weekend. Welcome Fr Jerry !
For more info. go to WWW.UNBOUND.COM

The Knights of Columbus will be with us next weekend recruiting men to become members or their organization. Let us offer them a warm Welcome !

Retrouvaille Program for Troubled Marriages: Friday, June 20, through Sunday, June 22, in the San Fernando Valley The Retrouvaille Marriage Program helps married couples who are experiencing trouble in their marriage find hope. By providing communication techniques, Retrouvaille works to assist the spouses in restoring a loving relationship, whether they have strained relations or have already separated or divorced. Retrouvaille is a worldwide, non-profit, volunteer-run program. It welcomes married couples of all faiths or no religious affiliation. Retrouvaille is not a retreat, marriage counseling,marriage self-help, or sensitivity group
- it is a time for healing. The program begins with a weekend stay
followed by a series of post-weekend sessions. The next program will start on Friday evening, June 20, through Sunday evening, June 22, in the San Fernando Valley. For more information, including cost, please call

Thank you to all who have made a Together in Mission pledge. If you haven’t had the chance to fill out a Pledge form for T.G.IM. You can pick one up on the table near Saint Francis’ statue and return it in the Sunday Collection or at the Pastoral Center A great website for kids of all ages. So many great Catholic teachings!

THIS WEEKEND WE WELCOME FATHER JERRY BEAT From Unbound Ministry Father Jerry is a Bilingual priest from the Archdiocese of Kansas City, He will be preaching on how do we care for the Poor this weekend. Welcome Fr Jerry !
For more info. go to WWW.UNBOUND.COM

The Knights of Columbus will be with us next weekend recruiting men to become members or their organization. Let us offer them a warm Welcome !

Retrouvaille Program for Troubled Marriages: Friday, June 20, through Sunday, June 22, in the San Fernando Valley The Retrouvaille Marriage Program helps married couples who are experiencing trouble in their marriage find hope. By providing communication techniques, Retrouvaille works to assist the spouses in restoring a loving relationship, whether they have strained relations or have already separated or divorced. Retrouvaille is a worldwide, non-profit, volunteer-run program. It welcomes married couples of all faiths or no religious affiliation. Retrouvaille is not a retreat, marriage counseling,marriage self-help, or sensitivity group
- it is a time for healing. The program begins with a weekend stay
followed by a series of post-weekend sessions. The next program will start on Friday evening, June 20, through Sunday evening, June 22, in the San Fernando Valley. For more information, including cost, please call (909)

Thank you to all who have made a Together in Mission pledge. If you haven’t had the chance to fill out a Pledge form for T.G.IM. You can pick one up on the table near Saint Francis’ statue and return it in the Sunday Collection or at the Pastoral Center A great website for kids of all ages. So many great Catholic teachings!

APRIL / MAY CATECHISM SCHEDULE for children in grades 3, 4, 5, 6
We will not meet on April 29/30 nor May 6 / 7
We will meet for Catechism on May 13 / 14