MAKING MUSIC PRAYING TWICE at Notre Dame Learning Center. Little children 5 years and younger are invited to St. Francis of Assisi Christmas Music Day! Come sing Christmas music with Mom and Dad as we tell the story of Jesus' birth. This is an interactive day with song, dance, instruments and parachute designed to benefit the whole family Come as a family and stay for refreshments. Take home a special gift. Register for Sun. Dec. 9, 2:00 - 3:30, or Sun. Dec. 19, 2:00 - 3:30. Registration Fee per family is $6. Limited to 8 children. Call or e-mail Sister Florette Marie, 496-3243, Ext. 735, Michael Lara, 524-2865 Thank you. Sister Florette Marie
BEARERS OF LIGHT ADVENT RETREAT - Sunday, December 9, 2012
embracing the season of waiting, enjoying each other for what we are, sharing love & inspiration as bearers of light 1 - 4pm Mass at 4pm. Rich hours for personal contemplation, walking, gazing, listening, blended with time for sharing with the group At Mater Dolorosa Passionate Retreat Center 700 North Sunnyside, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Seating is limited. Call Michael to reserve a space: 524-1306. Free Will Donation for the retreat. All Are Welcome. We will car pool and leave Saint Francis around 12 noon. Bring dinner money we will stop somewhere for dinner. Please respond by December 3rd noon. God Bless
Afternoon Affair Boutique - Saturday, December 15, 2012
From 11AM to 3PM in Classroom 5&6 at Saint Francis of Assisi Pastoral Center Come support Saint Francis of Assisi Church. No long lines, something for everyone. Unique and beautiful handmade decorations, jewelry, Mary Kay cosmetics, Scentsy Candles and much more... Vendors reserve your table today. $20.00 donation required. All vendors must be registered members of Saint Francis of Assisi or San Salvador Mission. Space is limited. Call 794-1900
Nativity Exposition - Sunday, December 16, 2012:
Bring your Nativity to be blessed and share it with our parish members. Drop off your nativity between 8 and 8:30AM. Our Expo. Starts at 9AM and finishes at 2PM. Pick up is 2:30PM
FREE to participate and FREE entrance. Volunteers needed to supervise event. For questions or to reserve your vendor table call Oralia Herrera at 794-1900
Start your Christmas shopping early. Nice gifts, at reasonable prices!
Our trees are freshly cut Oregon Douglas fir and Noble fir trees. Did you know that the Christmas tree began as a reminder of the tree of life and the life-giving cross of Jesus Christ? When you see the evergreen Christmas tree you will also see the life-giving tree of life on which Jesus hung as our crucified savior. Please invite your family & friends to support our Christmas tree farm. For more information call the Pastoral Center at 524-1306