When Apostasy Runs Amok
By Anonymous — Monday, January 14th, 2013
By Jan Markell In the early days of all things "purpose driven," I didn't say much. I was, admittedly, skeptical. I had a hunch churches might experience the promised growth thanks to the movement behind "purpose driven," the seeker-sensitive movement; however, it might not be a healthy growth. But as the years moved on, I started hearing about wreckage. Calls and e-mails told me that beloved congregations were caving to all things unsound and even unscriptural. Members were told that the ends justified the means. In other words, numbers trumped everything. So, I began to watch Pastor Warren more carefully. When he praised the freedom in Syria in 2006, I just shuddered. When he spoke to the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and withheld the gospel, I reacted again. ISNA is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood. When he told Alan Colmes to "give Jesus a try for 60 days," I came close to writing him off. When Rick began featuring... http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs019/1101818841456/archive/110942259... |