“Guerrilla Midwife” movie screening in Ventura

The Birth Action Coalition is partnering with Baby! International Film Festival in hosting a screening of the documentary film “Guerrilla Midwife” by Skwatta Productions. The film follows midwife Robin Lim in her work through the tsunami disaster zone in Aceh, Indonesia. Lim was recently recognized as a “CNN Hero” for the work she does. Ventura County local midwife Mary Jackson LM provides commentary and insight on gentle birth practices throughout this powerful film. Jackson will be on hand following the film for discussion. Tracy Lough, a midwife who interned at Bumi Sehat, the birth center founded by Lim and featured in the film will also be on hand to answer questions about her experiences serving birthing women. Viewers can expect a moving story that seeks to reinvent protocols and perceptions surrounding pregnancy and childbirth to preserve our planet’s humanity. A trailer for the film can be viewed through BAC’s website: www.birthactioncoalition.org.
“Saving the earth, one baby at a time.” – Robin Lim

When: Friday, June 10, 2011. Reception begins at 7pm, Film at 8pm with discussion to follow.

Where: The WAV Building, 175 S. Ventura Avenue, Ventura, CA 93003

Who: This event is open to the public. Seats for the film are available beginning at 7:00pm for a suggested donation of $10. BAC has also extended speical invitations to local hospital administrators, obstetricians and other individuals who work in the birthing field. Local businesses and organizations who are BAC supporters and who have sponsored this event will have information booths during the reception. This event will benefit BAC (a 501c3 organization) and Bumi Sehat International Foundation.

Why: BAC’s mission is to educate and advocate for the dignity and respect of all birthing women. Part of that mission is educating the public on their options and rights in the birth of their baby, and the importance of evidence based practices and protocols. This film provides a powerful international backdrop to these efforts.