101st FHS Alumni Dinner A Huge Success
![]() By Mark Ortega — Wednesday, June 18th, 2014
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() On Saturday, June 14th, The Alumni from Fillmore High celebrated their Alma Mater in true form. First and foremost, it was all about the Scholars. 13 Scholarships were presented to members of the Class of 2014, and brought the total amount of Scholarship Dollars, to be given out in 2014 to well over $30,000.00. Thank You Alumni! The afternoon started with a social hour out on the lawn area of the Veterans memorial Building. Music was provided by Joeyd Ortiz '74, and he had everyone rocking to Elvis, Nate King Cole, Madonna. Every Generation had their favorite. After the awesome dinner by DJ's California Cateres (500 plates served), the V.I.P. lounge was open for business, and many made their way to the beautiful patio area where it was transformed into a special lounge area for visiting and socializing well into the night under the stars. Inside, D.J. Don Vela '81 had folks dancing up to 12:00 midnight, and when the last song played "Goodnight Sweetheart Goodnight" folks walked off the dance floor with tired looks, and big smiles of a wonderful evening. Thank you all Volunteers who helped make the 101st Alumni Dinner so memorable for so many Generations. This truly is turning into an annual event in Fillmore that shouldn't be missed. See more of you Flashes next June, 2015! |