Fillmore High Alumni Association
For the past year the Fillmore High Alumni Association has been striving to revive the growing of Shasta Daisies to be used to decorate the Junior arches for graduation. This has not been done since 1989, even though other materials have been used to cover the arches. Requests were made for rooted cuttings that could be planted to start another source of daisies, but not enough were obtained to complete the project, so the alumni took it upon themselves to purchase rooted plants so that the daisies hopefully will be ready for the 2010 graduation.
Kirk Richter and his Horticulture class, along with the Grounds staff of the district have prepared an area on the east side of the football field, and have outlined the word FLASHES, in block letters, in which the new plants will be planted. They also plan to plant blue ground cover in between the letters, and also have a flash insignia outlined and planted with yellow flowers. It should be very impressive when it is all completed.
The alumni association is hoping that alumni members will help defray the cost of purchasing the daisies for this important traditional part of the Fillmore High School graduation ceremonies. 10 flats of plants were purchased at a cost of $55 per flat, so any contributions will be greatly appreciated. Anyone wishing to help should indicate on their check that it is for the Shasta Daisy project.
The November issue of Flashbacks will be coming out in a few weeks and this will be the last issue this year for those of you who subscribe yearly to the newsletter, so please send in your renewal form, which is on the back page of the Flashbacks.
Also, if you have any news or pictures that you would like put in the Flashbacks, please send them to the alumni office, P. O. Box 385, Fillmore, CA 93016-0385 or to: staff@fillmorehighalumni.com. The alumni association likes to keep its members informed on what is going on with other alumni members, as well as activities in Fillmore.
If you have not subscribed to the alumni newsletter, now is the time to do it. Contact the alumni office and a subscription form will be sent to you for your easy use.