Alumni Highlights
By Dick Mosbarger — Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009
![]() Fillmore High Alumni Association The November meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fillmore High Alumni Association was held at the home of Marla DeZavala, with eight of the eleven members present. Several issues were discussed during the meeting. The alumni association is donating two six by twelve foot banners to the high school to be hung in the gym. One banner will have the words to the alma mater and the other will be the words to the fight song. The alumni board has become aware that many students do not know the words to these two songs and feel it is important that they know them as part of the tradition of Fillmore High School. The banners will be presented to the study body at a home basketball game in January. Mark Ortega and Trish Gradias proposed to sell tamales at Christmas time to help raise funds for the high school band uniforms. They have everything all set up, but the determining factor if this will take place is the securing of a Certificate of Insurance, which we must have before doing this. We are looking into securing this certificate from our insurance company. Barry Thompson brought up the subject of the alumni sponsoring a golf tournament next June 11, on the Friday before the alumni dinner on June 12. This event also needs a Certificate of Insurance. If we can't get the certificate, Barry says he will put together a golfing event for anyone wishing to play golf on the Friday before the alumni dinner. Brenda Feeney Diaz, class of '78, was voted in as a new member, beginning with the February, 2010 meeting. Mark and Trish, along with Steve Conaway manning the P. A. system, sold 36 of the alumni coffee mugs at the football game played Friday, November 20. The Shasta Daisies have been planted in the area on the east side of the football field, and we are hoping to get a picture of that area to the paper soon. The alumni is still asking for financial support to help pay for the daisies that were purchased for this planting. Any amount you wish to donate will be greatly appreciated. So far, eight members have contributed to the fund. Subscription renewals for the Flashbacks are coming in, so if your subscription runs out this year, please send in your renewal as soon as possible. The picture of the Bardsdale students that was in the November Flashbacks has prompted responses from Patty King, Bob Morris and Marie McCoy identifying many of the students. We really appreciate their response, and the picture, with the names will be in the February issue of Flashbacks. Also, anyone who wishes to send in any memories of their days at Fillmore High or growing up in Fillmore, such as Gerald Hamm, Joe Scanlin, Florine Campbell Ernst and Art Sallee have done, please send them in as members really enjoy reading about days long past. |