Alumni News
By Dick Mosbarger — Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010
![]() Fillmore High Alumni Association At last Wednesday's basketball game, which Fillmore won 49 to 47 over Santa Paula, Fillmore High School Principal John Wilber, presented a plaque of appreciation to the Fillmore High Alumni Association for the assistance they have given to the school to help carry on some of the traditions in the 100 year history of the school. Singled out was the effort put forth by Marla DeZavala in the improvement of the gym, which consisted of refinishing the floor, repainting the emblem, providing pads at each end of the court and the dividers placed between the balcony and the lower level. Marla recruited many alumni members to help finance these improvements, and she is to be commended for her efforts. Also provided by the alumni were the two new banners in the gym, one with the words to the alma mater and the other with the words to the fight song. It was rewarding to see so many students at the game singing both songs as they were played by the band. Another activity being supported by the alumni association is the growing of Shasta Daisies for the graduation arches, which is being carried on by Kirk Richter and his Horticulture class. It is hoped that there will be enough flowers available for this year's graduation ceremony, which will be the 100th for this school. Joe Woods, class of '79, is developing a committee to establish a Fillmore High Athletic Hall of Fame to recognize the outstanding individual players, teams and coaches during the past 100 years of the history of Fillmore High. The committee will consist of three men and two women, who are alumni members, to get the ball rolling on the project. The first task will be to determine the criteria for selecting each individual, team or coach. Once the criteria is established, input from alumni members and community members will be requested in order to come up with the most qualified individuals to be selected. The first group to be selected will be from 25 to 30 selectees since this covers almost 100 years of athletics, but for the following years, the number to be selected will be reduced so five to ten recipients will be honored. The committee will change every two to three years so others who wish to be on the committee will have the opportunity to do so. Joe is hoping to be able to have an awards dinner to recognize each group of inductees, with plaques presented to the individuals or their family, as well as having a display in the gym. Any comments on this proposal will be appreciated and can be sent to the alumni office, P. O. Box 385, Fillmore, CA 93016-0385 or e-mail at: |