American Public Transportation Association Bestows Marketing Honors on Ventura County Transportation Commission

Ventura, CA - The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) was named an AdWheel Grand Award winner by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) for excellence in marketing.

VCTC received a Grand Award in the advocacy and awareness category for the “Public Transportation: Do it for Your Health” info-graphic that focused on the many health benefits of using public transit. VCTC also garnered a First Place Award in the Print Media category for the “Reduce Your Carbon Footprint” promotional card, which challenged residents of Ventura County to use local transit more to assist with environmental conservation.

Each year APTA honors its members’ marketing and communications efforts with the AdWheel Awards. Awards are presented in five main media categories: print, electronic, campaigns, social media, and special events. The 2013 winners were named this week at APTA’s annual conference held in Chicago.

“We are thrilled to receive the grand prize for the ‘Public Transportation’ info-graphic and first place for our ‘Reduce Your Carbon Footprint’ promotional card this year,” said VCTC Executive Director, Darren Kettle, who accepted the awards for VCTC. “This recognition confirms that our messaging is on point and we are moving the needle forward on communicating the benefits of using public transit.”

To learn more about VCTC’s programs and services, visit or call (800) 438-1112.