Bardsdale United Methodist Church “Operation Overboard” Vacation Bible School Serves 102 Area Children
![]() Bardsdale United Methodist Vacation Bible School had a total of 102 registered children ages 2 years to 14. By Dick Diaz — Wednesday, July 25th, 2012
![]() Children attended each day from 9:00 am. to 12:00 noon. On Friday, July 20th I had an opportunity to attend the closing ceremonies of the Bardsdale United Methodist Church's 2012 Vacation Bible School. This year's theme was “Operation Overboard: Dare to Dive Deep For God!” This year the Bardsdale United Methodist Church's Vacation Bible School started on Monday, July 16th and ended on Friday, July 20th. There were a total of 102 registered children ages 2 years to 14 years who attended each day from 9:00 am. to 12:00 noon at the Church. The cost to each participant was $10 which also included daily healthy snacks. The Director of this years program was shared by long-time Director Sharon Hurd and Co-Director Mimi Burns. There were approximately 20 adult staff/volunteers and 10 youth leaders participating and assisting in this year's Vacation Bible School. One of the volunteers recognized was 15 year old, Fillmore High School Sophomore Billy Vollmert. Billy has been involved with the Bardsdale Methodist Church's Vacation Bible School from when he was one of the youngest in the program trough volunteering and this year he photographed and prepared a slide presentation for graduation day! Of the 102 children, twenty-five were Pre-Schoolers. The Bardsdale United Methodist Church's Pastor Kent Fromer told me, “Preparation begins for the Vacation Bible School months in advance and the Co-Directors work many hours selecting the theme and lining up the volunteers and staff in order to have a meaningful Vacation Bible School!” One of the staff members explained to me the choice and meaning of this year's theme: “The theme for this year's Vacation Bible School, Operation Overboard: Dare to Dive Deep For God! was chosen because “Dive in Deep For God” allowed for using an aquatic theme as a teaching tool to explain how to follow God's teachings. The theme allowed for six teaching modules; Bible Dramas, Arts and Crafts, Physical Education, Music Center (DVD Music Dance), Bible Retelling and Science. Each day each student rotated through all six modules for 20 minute lessons that followed the aquatic theme. At the end of the day there was a a discussion of what was learned for that day. A highlight for the older children was the opportunity to dissect a squid during their Science Module. In addition to learning the daily lessons each participant was taught the lesson of giving to others less fortunate and were encouraged to bring a daily donation to be shared equally between two selected causes. The first cause to help feed needy families and individuals through the Saint Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Fillmore and for Missions coordinated through the Santa Paula's two United Methodist Churches. Pastor Kent Fromer said, “With the pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters brought each day by the children $154.21 had been collected and divide equally among the two selected programs.” Family and Friends of the children sat in the pews and beamed with pride as they watched their children perform some of the lessons they learned during this years educational and fun filled Vacation Bible School program. From what I saw of their high energy level and excitement to sing, or perform in the Bible Drama selected for this day, I think all the children enjoyed themselves this past week. |