Bardsdale United Methodist Church Bringing Back Date Night

We have exciting news for the church- we are starting our Date Night after a long hiatus from the Covid pandemic. So, we need your help and prayers!

The first time will be August 23 from 5:30-8:30 pm in LeBard Hall.
If you do not know the format, parents drop off their kids ages 4-11, and we provide a safe, nurturing environment while the parents have some free time. Around seven pm we read a story and give the children a healthy snack, and then the children continue enjoying the various centers that we have set up around the hall. We are flexible with the age suggestions, so if you want to take a younger grandchild with you, and you can be responsible for that child, it will be fine.
If you would like to help, you can in various ways. if you want to do a center: reading books, making a craft, stringing beads, designing a structure with cardboard boxes and paper tubes, playing a board game, or whatever else you think a child would enjoy, this is your opportunity! Please contact Marcia Heerema with your ideas- 805 625-0848.
To help in a different way, if you want to contribute to the smack time, with prep time or actual snack items such as paper serving items, or money for the food, please contact Judi Hartshorn , as she is our resident food hostess- 805 320-2515 and she will gladly tell you what is needed.

We could use cardboard cereal boxes, toilet paper tubes, paper towel tubes, or any small boxes so our budding architects can have at it with glue and staples! Please start collecting these and drop them off at church on Sunday. When we have enough, we will ask you to kindly stop, but at the moment, we need our various building supplies.
Please share this with your friends and families with children, and publicize this opportunity for the children to spend an evening at church.

There is a registration form for the parents to fill out, so we will have emergency numbers on file. Eventually we will limit the number to 25 children, but that will take some time before the idea catches on in the community.
If you know of older siblings or teens who would like to be helpers, feel free to invite them, but let us know ahead of time, so we can assign them to a station.

As always, please continue to hold this and our church in prayer.