Boys & Girls Club gets floral lesson
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 9th, 2014
![]() Boys & Girls Club members enjoyed making arrangements with flowers and fruit. In order to encourage and prepare more children to enter Vision 2020, Civic Pride’s Flower Show, members Sarah Hansen, Joanne King, Cindy Klittich, and Linda Nunes held a workshop at the Boys/Girls Club on March 25 from 2-3 PM. Fresh flowers and various natural items such as twigs, fruit on branches, dried seed pods, and ferns, along with florist foam that had been soaked overnight and different types of trays or containers were brought to show the children how to make their own arrangement that would meet the judge’s criteria for the show. Joanne King talked about the basic rules that are listed in the bright yellow brochures that are available around town at the city hall, library, Patterson’s Hardware and the Treasure Station. Each child filled out an entry tag that they can bring to the show on Saturday, April 12 between the hours of 7:30am to 10:00am, along with their flowers and other items to make their arrangement in the “youth room”. The entry is free for all school age children living within the Fillmore Unified School district. The children let their creative nature take over and had great fun producing beautiful arrangements. These were lined up by the “artist” and Joanne King talked about each one’s good points. The Fillmore Flower Show will be held April 12 and 13 at the Senior Center at 533 Santa Clara St. Entry time is Saturday, April 12 from 7:30-10:00 am only. Adults have an entry fee of $5.00 for unlimited entries. Adults may bring their bouquets and arrangements ready to show. Youth must bring all their flowers, containers or other items for their arrangement to make the arrangement, or bouquet in the youth room without parental assistance. The young people come up with fantastic creative “master pieces”. Youth can also enter a previously written poem or essay of one page on the show theme, “100 Years of Flowers”. |