Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace Awards

Ventura County, CA. - The Breastfeeding Coalition of Ventura County is seeking nominations for its annual Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace Awards. Nominations will be accepted through June 30. Winners will be contacted the week of July 18. Selected nominees will be publicly acknowledged on August 2 and their awards will be presented by the Ventura County Board of Supervisors, coinciding with National Breastfeeding Awareness Week, the first week of August, which is celebrated in the United States and throughout the world. Nomination forms may be obtained at the following links: or

The Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace Award recognizes local businesses of all sizes, licensed childcare centers or daycare providers, non-profit and government agencies, and medical community members that support optimal health for families with breastfeeding support.

After the winners are announced the public is invited to a no host picnic at Thille Park, Ventura, acknowledging World Breastfeeding Awareness Week, August 1-7, with members of the Breastfeeding Coalition of Ventura County.

Employers, childcare and healthcare providers make a critical difference in whether a working mother continues to breastfeed her infant. Each deserves to have their efforts recognized and rewarded.