Business of the Month: State Farm
(l-r) Lynn Haueter - Field Representative for Tony Strickland, Bill Herrera, Ernie Villegas - District Director for Jeff Gorell at California State Assembly 37th District, Bill's Herrera's Mother, Debbie Sanchez, Cindy Jackson - President of Fillmore Chamber, Ari Larson - Membership Director for Fillmore Chamber, Tammy Hobson - Fillmore Chamber Director.
(l-r) Lynn Haueter - Field Representative for Tony Strickland, Bill Herrera, Ernie Villegas - District Director for Jeff Gorell at California State Assembly 37th District, Bill's Herrera's Mother, Debbie Sanchez, Cindy Jackson - President of Fillmore Chamber, Ari Larson - Membership Director for Fillmore Chamber, Tammy Hobson - Fillmore Chamber Director.

The Fillmore Chamber of Commerce membership elects members for Business of the Month that stand out in the community. Qualifications must be that the business is a current Fillmore Chamber of Commerce member, helps out in the community by volunteering and supporting it unconditionally. We welcome nominations from the community. To nominate a business person, please call the Chamber office at 524-0351 or Cindy Jackson at 391-1008.