Citrus Label Society Meeting

Saturday, April 21, 2018, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Ventura County Agricultural Museum
926 Railroad Avenue, Santa Paula, CA 93060

*Power point presentation on citrus history and citrus labels at 11:00 a.m.

*Original California citrus crate labels and citrus-themed memorabilia on display and for

*Citrus goodies will be served.

The Citrus Label Society was founded in 1981 with the purpose of providing meeting places for citrus label collectors to gather together and exchange labels, to enjoy special citrus-related programs, and to share and preserve historical information about the citrus industry. Citrus labels are unique, visual images that document California’s citrus heritage and the state’s history, and are also appreciated by collectors as beautiful works of art.

Everyone is welcome to this special Ventura County meeting. Tell the docent at the entrance that you are attending the meeting, and there will be no charge for Museum admission. You will also be free to enjoy the interesting historical exhibits in the Museum.

*Master Gardeners of Ventura County will also be at the Museum until noon selling tomato plants, including heirloom seedlings, which supports the Master Gardener Program of Ventura County.*

For more information contact Tom Spellman: