Computer Bits
By Harv Oliver — Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012
Pro-active vs. Re-active
![]() In all our computer lives, let’s face it, there are problems “waiting to happen”. Such issues might be virus and/or spyware problems, a need to incorporate security to protect confidential information, setting up and/or verifying backups are performing properly to be sure our data is safe, setting up or enhancing a network so information and hardware is shared and secure, keeping redundant cost and time efforts minimized, and a slew of other issues. Also, a big issue often overlooked, in my opinion, is lack of documentation. Documented information can be referred to whenever you like, eliminating extra effort in going and AGAIN looking as all system specifications, configurations, working notes, etc. With that in mind, a good place to start is to create a ‘pro-active’ versus ‘re-active’ computer environment to ensure your operations are kept at efficient operating levels. My suggestion is to start by implementing Maintenance Plans. You can do this for 1 computer or 100 computers. The details will of course vary, but the goal is the same; by implementing a structured, timely maintenance plan, you stay AHEAD of the failure curve. Maintenance plans can assist in keeping your systems and overall computer-related operations running more efficiently. They can also assist in saving costs. Such an example would be cleaning your current system in the most efficient manner and upgrading the memory. This would give you a solid working system by perhaps upgrading a system, still meeting your requirements, at a much lesser cost than a new system. Maintenance Plans also ensure routine tasks are performed (Defrag, etc.) that many users are unaware of or in reality, just tend to say “I’ll do that later”, and later never comes! There’s no denying how important computers have become in our daily lives, whether using for the success of our business or home personal use, however, we can still maintain SOME form of control! Start by properly maintaining what you have and go from there… I hope this bit of information helps you with your computer operations. Until next time, don’t forget your backups! Harv Oliver is the owner/senior tech for HANDS-ON Consultations (HOC) Computer Support Services serving Fillmore, Ventura County & Beyond since 1998. For more information, visit the HOC web site at or call (805) 524-5278. NOTE: Provided information is presented as a courtesy ONLY. Please check with an IT professional for assistance or perform suggestions at your own risk. Harv Oliver or HANDS-ON Consultations is not responsible for any activities users perform. |