Environmental Toxicologist Releases Health Findings On Fillmore Superfund Site
![]() Community Forum - Thursday, February 20, 2014 @ 6 p.m. - One Step a La Vez Center - 421 Sespe Ave. Fillmore, CA 93015. One Step a La Vez will have a community forum on the Superfund Site. The Community Forum will have presenters from Chevron, EPA, organizations from the community, members from the community and YOU! Participate in the dialogue about the superfund site and express your concerns and questions. There will also be a Press Conference - Tuesday, February 18, 2014 @ l0 a.m. - One Step a La Vez Center B 421 Sespe Ave. Fillmore, CA 93015. One Step a La Vez will host a press conference to make known the results of the Community Superfund Health Survey. By Anonymous — Monday, February 17th, 2014
Community Organization Hosts Press Conference about concerns of Local Superfund Site
FILLMORE, CALIFORNIA - One Step a la Vez (OSALV), 421 Sespe Avenue Fillmore, CA 93015, will host a Press Conference Tuesday, February 18, at 10:00am with the purpose to inform the media and community of the environmental toxicologists scientific findings about health concerns surrounding the Superfund Toxic Waste Site located on the east side of Fillmore, following the Community Health Survey conducted from 2011 to 2013. The Press Conference will bring to light possible health risks and past health conditions caused by the Superfund site. The Press Conference will increase public awareness of Chevron’s Superfund clean-up process, report the environmental toxicologists scientific findings of local health issues, and identify possible health risks associated with the Superfund site. The Press Conference will allow a question and answer session with Dr. Dahlgren and an OSALV representative to answer pertinent questions. The OSALV will also host a Community Forum, Thursday, February 20, 2014 at 6:00pm, for a community dialogue and follow-up of the Press Conference. The OSALV staff learned that the communities’ concerns about the Superfund Site surrounded water, air and soil contamination as well as health and medical issues in 2010. The OSALV began its research of the Superfund Site in 2011 by sponsoring a Community Health Survey developed by Dr. Dahlgren, an environmental toxicologist. The Community Health Survey developed by Dr. Dahlgren, M.D., was administered by his team along with OSALV youth, staff, and community volunteers through door-to-door interviews. The health survey findings will be announced at the Press Conference on Tuesday, February 18 at 10:00am at the OSALV Center. One Step a la Vez (OSALV) is a non-profit teen advocacy organization that serves low income, isolated minority populations of the Santa Clara Valley (SCV), specifically the communities of Fillmore, Piru, and Rancho Sespe. OSALV’s mission is to serve the communities of SCV by providing a safe environment for 13-19 year olds and preparing informed, empowered youth who are equipped with the tools to lead, cultivate cultural awareness, bridge the gap of inequality and advocate for fair, just and healthy individuals and communities. For more information about the Press Conference please contact Lynn Edmonds at lynn@myonestep.org or at *** TOXICÓLOGO AMBIENTAL PUBLICA RESULTADOS DE SALUD SOBRE EL SITIO SUPERFUND DE FILLMORE El personal del OSALV aprendió sobre las inquietudes de la comunidad sobre el sitio de Superfund en atención a la posible contaminación del agua, aire y de la tierra, así como los problemas de salud en el 2010. En el 2011 el personal de OSAVL comenzó su investigación del sitio de Superfund y patrocinio un estudio de evaluación de la salud comunitaria desarrollada por el Dr. Dahlgren, toxicólogo ambiental. La evaluación de la encuesta de salud humana desarrollada por el Dr. Dahlgren, MD, fue administrado por su equipo con asistencia de jóvenes y personal del OSALV, cuales participaron en entrevistas de casa a case. Los resultados de la encuesta de salud se darán a conocer en la conferencia de prensa el martes 18 de Febrero a las 10:00am en el centro OSALV. La misión del centro OSALV es servir las comunidades del valle Santa Clara al proporcionar un ambiente seguro para jovenes de edades 13-19 y fortalecer a los jovenes asi para que tengan las herramientas necesarias para ser lideres, cultivar la conciencia cultural, reducir inigualdad, y proponer la justicia y salud para todos los residents de nuestra communidad. Para mas informacion acerca de la conferencia de prensa, póngase en contacto con Lynn Edmonds, lynn@mystep.org o 805-907-6576. |