EPA Presentation at the One Step A La Vez Center

The present social justice include the SuperFund Clean Up Site Committee, our goals include getting the superfund site cleaned up. The site is north of hwy 126 and east of Pole Creek. Recently there has been evidence of a plume of contaminated soil from the Superfund Site. This might indicate a contamination of the underground water sources. The SUPERFUND CLEAN UP SITE Committee meets every Thursday at 4:00pm. One Step A La Vez would like to invite the community to a special presentation by EPA Community Involvement Coordinator- Alejandro Diaz on Thursday June 16 at 4:00pm, 600 Saratoga Street, Fillmore, CA. For more information contact Youth Adelante! Advocate, Daniel Gonzalez: daniel@myonestep.org or (805)298-2237.

One Step A La Vez Teens have a voice in Fillmore and Piru. They discuss what areas need to be changed and they work hard to improve their community. If a teen has an idea about a change that needs to happen in their community and they want help with making that change, they are invited to come to the One Step Board of Directors to discuss their concern and their plans. The Board listens, asks questions and decides if that particular concern fits within the Board's recognized need for social justice. The Board sponsors community activism training each year that such features as: public speaking, learning how to advocate effectively, building partnerships, and meeting management.

One Step A La Vez program provides services to youth 13-19. Services include youth activities, youth development, and mental health referrals. Daily attendance rages from 15-40 youth. Staying true to our motto “Making changes poco a poco” we strive to ensure that youth are healthy (physically, mentally), empowered and educated, thus changing our community One Step and One Person at a time!

600 Second Street, Fillmore, CA 93015
805.516.9336 or 805.910.6642