Every 15 minute presentation
Presented by Fillmore Fire Department and Ventura County Sheriffs Department

On 5/13/2011 at 1:15pm the City of Fillmore Fire Department and the Ventura County Sheriffs Department will be presenting a nationally recognized program to stop underage alcohol consumption and driving. The program entitled “Every 15 Minutes” is a two-day program that involves over 500 juniors and seniors at Fillmore High School. The program agenda is as follows:

Part I: “Living Dead” - Fifteen students will be removed from class during the first four hours of the day and made up with white faces and black shirts to represent them as an alcohol related death over the proceeding forty-eight hours. These students will not be allowed to speak with any other students, staff or family for the rest of the school day. These students will then be lead to part II of the presentation and will standby throughout the event.

Part II: Mock Vehicle Crash. On May 13, 2011 at 1:15pm all juniors and seniors will be escorted to intersection of Shiells Drive & Second Street at 1:15pm. Students will be allowed to see a real time simulation of a motor vehicle accident resulting from alcohol consumption.

Part III: On Monday, May 16, 2011, juniors and seniors from Fillmore High School will be instructed to watch a recap Friday’s drunk driving accident and write an essay as part of an English class assignment.
Local media and the general public are welcome to attend part II this event. Fire Chief Rigo Landeros and Police Chief Monica McGrath will be on hand Friday May 13, 2011 throughout the duration of the event to answer any questions members of the media may have.

Special thanks to Noontime Rotary, Fillmore High School, Fillmore Unified School District, American Medical Response, the City of Fillmore Fire Department, Ventura County Sheriffs Department, Ventura County Sheriffs Air Unit & the Ventura County Medical Examiners Office for their participation and support in this event.