Family event to teach disaster preparedness

CAMARILLO, CA – It could be a family’s worst nightmare – they’re being asked to evacuate because of a wildfire or other disaster, but they don’t know what to take or where to go. On Saturday, June 18, the Ventura County Fire Department, Farmers Insurance Company, the American Red Cross of Ventura County and the Home Depot store in Simi Valley will combine their efforts to ensure families are prepared for an emergency.

Using the fire department’s award-winning “Ready, Set, Go!” wildfire preparedness program as a foundation, families attending the event will learn how to prepare their property against a wildfire but, more importantly, they will learn how to assemble their emergency supplies, create an evacuation checklist, plan evacuation routes and recover their losses should any type of disaster occur.

The fire department will have fire engines and informational booths set up. Farmers Insurance will demonstrate the capabilities of their 45-foot Mobile Claims Center and the Red Cross will display one of their Emergency Response Vehicles and some of the emergency supplies available from them. Home Depot will feature products for wildfire preparedness including building materials to make the home safer, fire-resistant landscaping and other emergency supplies.

“Our Mobile Claims Center just returned from the Midwest,” said Jerry Davies, Farmers’ Assistant Vice President of Media and Public Relations, “and the destruction we witnessed there really brought home the need to be prepared. An event like this gives people the tools they need to cope with a disaster, and that brings peace of mind as well.”

The event will run from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and there will be activities for the whole family. Families will be encouraged to work together on a preparedness plan and backpacks will be given away so families can start the process of assembling their own emergency supply kit. The event is free of charge.

Event: Disaster Preparedness
Where: Home Depot, 575 Cochran St., Simi Valley (Thomas Bros. map page 497 G1).
When: Saturday, June 18, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.