Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Message from Detective Chip Cadman:
In this edition of Farm Watch, I want to mention some success stories involving the arrest of avocado thieves. Two individuals were caught stealing avocados in the unincorporated area of Santa Paula. In March, Detective Fox was conducting an investigation into a theft of avocados. He later returned to the location of the thefts to conduct a follow-up investigation and install cameras in the event the thieves returned.
When Detective Fox returned, he observed a vehicle driving out of the property that appeared weighed down. Detective Fox stopped the vehicle and discovered it was occupied by two men who had stolen several hundred pounds of avocados. Both men were later arrested for the theft of fruit and it was returned. I am continuing an investigation attempting to link both men to additional thefts in the area.
Also as deputies have been on patrol in the unincorporated area of Moorpark, they have caught thieves parking nearby orchards, walking in on foot and stealing avocados. These thieves were stopped by deputies and arrested.
On another note, it appears thefts of fertilizer and pesticides have begun this season. I have already seen two reports come in within the past week. These cases involved various fertilizers and pesticides being stolen from farms in the unincorporated area of Oxnard. There are no suspect(s) identified in these cases. In addition, I have been in contact with an Ag Crimes Detective from Santa Barbara County who has also seen a rise in thefts of fertilizer and pesticides. We are investigating a possible connection linking the suspect(s) involved in the thefts from both counties.
Please take this as a reminder not to stockpile your supplies and order only what you intend to apply. In addition after receiving a delivery of supplies, I would suggest moving the supplies to another secure location in the event the suspect(s) are watching when and where your supplies have been delivered. These steps will help you from becoming an additional victim of such thefts.
Often time ranches and farms are attractive targets of crime because there is expensive equipment, materials and supplies in open areas. Ranches and farms are in remote and isolated areas, criminal activity can occur without easily being seen. The physical layout of your property, developing and implementing security practices can help protect you and your property.
Place signs warning potential thieves of video surveillance and alarm systems, security guards, or dogs. No trespassing signs are useful in establishing your property line. Gates and fences are also an effective security measure. Check fence lines and ensure they are secure and intact. Use gates at entrances/exits onto your property and lock them when not in use with heavy duty chains and padlocks. Use other means, such as large posts/poles, drainage ditches, large boulders to prevent vehicles from accessing open areas into your property.
If it is necessary to leave equipment in the field;
• Know what equipment is in the field and ensure it is marked with your OAN, position the equipment where it can be seen from a house, work station, or foreman. Park or place the equipment out of sight behind a road, tree line, or hill.
• Remove keys, have a hidden kill switch, disable the equipment by disconnecting the power or other means, if equipment is a vehicle equipped with doors ensure they are locked when not in use.
• Secure smaller farm equipment to large objects with heavy chains and case hardened padlocks. Drain the air out of trailer tires, or if possible remove one tire from a side.
• Batteries are easy targets and should have lockable cases over them.
• Place lockable caps on fuel openings.
Farm and Ranch buildings;
• Door hinges should be mounted on the interior of the door. Spot weld externally mounted hinge pins.
• Door jambs should be reinforced on the interior backside near the lock with sheet steel.
• On doors use heavy-duty strike plates and long screws (such as 2½”).
• Secure overhead rolling doors by drilling a hole in the track, above the roller, and insert a heavy padlock.
• Double-swing doors should have a well secured track at its base so the door cannot be swung open enough for a person to gain entrance.
• Windows can be secured using a commercial slide-block or by drilling a downward hole through a bottom sash and inserting a pin.
• Metal bars or heavy screens can be used to secure high-risk windows.
Identification Of Property;
• Mark all tools, parts and equipment with your OAN.
• Maintain a complete inventory listing of all tools, machinery and equipment including any serial numbers and model numbers.
Vehicles and Farm Equipment;
• Vehicles and farm equipment should always be locked. DO NOT hide the keys in or on the vehicle.
• Do not leave tools or equipment in the back of a truck bed.
• Vehicle toolboxes should always be secured with heavy padlock and securely mounted to your vehicle.
• Machinery should not be left in fields overnight, if possible, and should not be parked with easy access to, or visible from a road.
• Chain equipment or machinery together if left overnight in fields.
Fuel Tank Security;
• Fuel tanks should always be locked.
• The control switch for electrically operated fuel tank pumps should be located in the house or a locked building.
• If located above ground, the fuel tank should be visible from the house but concealed from the roadway.
• Areas around fuel tanks should be well lighted.
The following advice is always wise if you suspect illegal activity on your property:
• Call the Sheriff’s Office immediately at 911.
• Be a good witness.
• Note suspect(s) description such as age, height and weight, facial hair, clothing, and shoe type.
• If a vehicle is involved, obtain a license plate number and note vehicle color, body damage, bumper stickers, camper shell, after market tires and wheels, etc.
• Provide the dispatcher with information about the time and last known direction of travel.
If you’re not sure of how to address a problem or would like additional crime prevention, need assistance, need an Owner Applied Number (OAN), please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at (805) 384-4726 or by e-mail at greg.cadman@ventura.org
Additional station detective contacts;
Camarillo Detective Gene Martinez, gene.martinez@ventura.org
Ventura Detective Michael Rowland, michael.rowland@ventura.org
Fillmore Detective John Fox, john.fox@ventura.org
Ojai Detective William Hollowell, william.hollowell@ventura.org
Moorpark Detective Kenneth Truitt, kenneth.truitt@ventura.org
Protect yourselves and your property,