Ventura County Sheriff's Department
A message from Detective Chip Cadman:
Farm Watch readers, we have been experiencing several thefts of fuel recently. The fuel is either being syphoned out of vehicle fuel tanks, or from fuel storage tanks. There has even been a report of a trailer with a fuel tank attached being stolen. Both gasoline and diesel fuel have been taken. If you have been the victim of a fuel theft, please contact the Sheriff’s Office immediately and request a deputy respond to your location to take a crime report.
Fuel Tank Security;
• Fuel tanks should always be locked.
• The control switch for electrically operated fuel tank pumps should be located in the house or a locked building.
• If located above ground, the fuel tank should be visible from the house but concealed from the roadway.
• Areas around fuel tanks should be well lighted.
• If possible fuel tanks should not be left in fields overnight, and should not be parked with easy access to, or visible from a road.
• Chain equipment or machinery together if left overnight in fields.
• Secure smaller farm equipment to large objects with heavy chains and case hardened padlocks. Drain the air out of trailer tires, or if possible remove one tire from a side.
The following advice is always wise if you suspect illegal activity on your property:
• Call the Sheriff’s Office immediately at 911.
• Be a good witness
• Note suspect descriptions such as age, height, weight, facial hair, clothing, and shoe type.
• If a vehicle is involved, obtain a license plate number and note vehicle color, body damage, bumper stickers, camper shell, after market tires and wheels, etc.
• Provide the dispatcher with information about the time and last known direction of travel.
Agricultural Crimes Detective Chip Cadman greg.cadman@ventura.org
Office 805-384-4726 Work Cell 805-797-6424
Sheriff’s Office Dispatch 805-654-9511
Be alert and stay safe!
Geoff Dean – Sheriff
Gary Pentis - Undersheriff
Steve DeCesari and Guy Stewart - Assistant Sheriffs