Ventura County Sheriff's Department
The Sheriff's Office Homicide Investigators are asking for your assistance in solving a recent homicide in which a dead body was located in a field on a Somis farm property. Please see the attached media releases for further details. In particular, investigators are asking that anyone with video surveillance equipment with coverage of the Highway 118 corridor between Somis and Saticoy please contact them to discuss this matter.
The following advice is always wise if you suspect illegal activity on your property:
• Call the Sheriff’s Office immediately at 911.
• Be a good witness
• Note suspect descriptions such as age, height, weight, facial hair, clothing, and shoe type.
• If a vehicle is involved, obtain a license plate number and note vehicle color, body damage, bumper stickers, camper shell, after market tires and wheels, etc.
• Provide the dispatcher with information about the time and last known direction of travel.
If you are not sure of how to address the problem or would like additional crime prevention tips please contact your local Sheriff’s Office substation or contact me directly at (805) 384-4726 or by email at ray.dominguez@ventura.org.
Camarillo Detective Robert Shirk, robert.shirk@ventura.org
Fillmore Detective John Fox john.fox@ventura.org
Ventura Detective Dennis Smith dennis.smith@ventura.org
Agricultural Crimes Detective, Ray Dominguez at Ray.Dominguez@ventura.org
Be alert and stay safe!
Geoff Dean - Sheriff
John Crombach and Gary Pentis - Assistant Sheriffs
A body was discovered by field workers in an orchard on Price Road in Somis Saturday
The unidentified man is believed to be in his early 20’s. Investigators are on scene collecting
evidence, while volunteers from the Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Team are assisting with a
search of the area. Although the death is suspicious, investigators are treating it as a homicide
until the medical examiner’s office determines the cause of death.
Anyone who was in the area late Friday night or early Saturday morning is asked to contact
Detective Jose Lopez at (805)384-4723.
Ventura County Crimestoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the
arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may
remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).
Major Crimes Detectives Investigating Suspicious Death
Report Number: 13-20103
Location: 4000 block of Price Road, Somis, California
Date & Time: Sept. 7, 2013 @ 8:15 am
Unit Responsible: Sheriff’s Major Crimes Bureau
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (D)ecedent City of Residence Age
(V) Unidentified Male Unknown Early 20’s
Deputy Preparing Media
Sgt. Eric Buschow
Media Release Date: Sept. 7, 2013
Follow-Up Contact: Det. Jose Lopez (805) 797-7118 / (805)384-4723
Approved by: Capt. Chris Dunn