FFA Roundup
![]() FFA members who were awarded the Greenhand FFA Degree. By Brooke Aguirre — Wednesday, March 16th, 2011
![]() FFA members who were awarded the Chapter FFA Degree. Last week at our monthly meeting, Fillmore FFA members and parents celebrated the Greenhand and Chapter Award Ceremony. The Greenhand Award is an achievement earned by first year members. In order to obtain the Greenhand award, students must be enrolled in an Ag. class, have satisfactory plans for a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) project, and demonstrate an understanding of the FFA Creed, Mission Statement as well as the FFA jacket. Fillmore members who have recently earned their Greenhand FFA Degree are as follows: Anthony Alamillo, Erika Garcia, Esneyder Gaytan, Felipe Cortez, Hellena Replogle, Zahydie Martin, Kayleigh Carpenter, Kristian Felix, and Ricardo Aparacio. For students to receive the Chapter Award they must have earned the Greenhand Award, have an SAE project in operation, know at least five steps of the Parliamentary Procedure, and have participated in the planning and improvement of chapter activities. Fillmore members who have earned the Chapter FFA Degree are as follows: Andrew Perez, Alexus Galassi, Christian Peritore, Hailee Smith, Brooke Aguirre, Jordan Carrillo, Micah Chumley, Oscar Negrete, Ryan Calderon, Sal Lopez, Saul Lopez, Yazmine Luna and Jennifer Martin.. I’d like to thank all the parents for attending the Greenhand and Chapter Ceremony and for making the delicious food for the potluck. I’d also like to thank Mr. Ricards and Wayne for always helping the members for FFA activities and more. Are you a fan of California’s Agriculture? If so, you may be interested in purchasing a Cal Ag License Plate! This fundraiser is to help our states’ agricultural youth by reducing or eliminating the cost of leadership conferences like Made For Excellence, Advanced Leadership Academy and State Conference. With a Cal Ag License Plate on your vehicle, not only will you be showing off your support of agriculture but you will also be enhancing the California FFA Association. All proceeds will be used to improve Ag. Education, career awareness and training, and youth leadership development. The California FFA Association’s goal is 7,500 plates, but as of right now we only have about 1,000. The deadline for the fundraiser is April 17th at the State FFA Conference. As a chapter, we are trying to get as many plates sold as possible. If you are interested in supporting the FFA and California’s agriculture, please contact Mr. Ricards at jricards@fillmore.k12.ca.us or visit calagplate.com to order your plate today! Brooke Aguirre is Fillmore FFA's Chapter Reporter |