FFA Roundup
![]() Wow! How the piglets have grown! By Brooke Aguirre — Wednesday, September 15th, 2010
FFA pumpmkin patch
Last week found Fillmore FFA members busy as usual. Here’s an update on current FFA activities and projects. During the summer, the FFA officers planted a field with pumpkin seeds. The field is now filled with pumpkins, although they still need some time to turn bright orange for October. Last week FFA members spent time weeding the pumpkin patch in preparation for the kindergartners visit at harvest time. Aaron Largen, ’10 and Riley Wright, ’11 have harvested their banana squash and loaded them up to take to the insectory as part of their Supervised Agricultural Experience. Craig Harvey’s, ’12, litter of eight piglets have been weaned from their mother, and will soon be ready to leave the farm. During last Fridays home football game several FFA members as well as booster members helped out with the BBQ and served up some delicious tri-tip sandwiches. This past weekend I had the opportunity as Ventura Sectional Treasurer to attend the Sectional Officer Leadership Conference in Atascadero. The conference covered things like team building, setting team goals and learning to trust your team members. We also learned simple but important things like how to give a good handshake, write thank you letters, how to present awards and activities to get people involved. At the conference, I learned a lot of valuable skills, and I am excited to bring them back and share them with my chapter. Brooke Aguirre is the Fillmore FFA Chapter Reporter |