F.H.S. Alumni Flashback to 1960
![]() Graduating class of 1960. By Mark Ortega — Wednesday, July 18th, 2012
![]() Larry Tittsworth, Class of '61, running with the Olympic Torch. ![]() Julie Preciado and Elden Collins, awarded Best Girl and Boy Athlete, 1960. ![]() In celebrating our centennial next year on June 15th, 2013, we are taking you on a stroll along memory lane monthly. Today we look back to the year, 1960. Did you know the name of our High School back then was Fillmore Union High School? We are not sure when this changed to Fillmore High School, or why it changed. If you know, please email us at staff@fillmorehighalumni.com and let us know. We'd appreciate your input. In 1960 the ASB President was Art Dawson. The Superintendent of schools was Mr. Donovan W. Main, and the High School Principal was Mr. Harry L. Bigger. One of the highlights that year was having two Fillmore High Boys, Larry Tittsworth and Bob Beal participate in carrying of the Olympic Torch to Squaw Valley in the VIII Winter Olympics. They were chosen from among our cross-country team members to help other outstanding runners in the C.I.F. relay the Torch to Squaw Valley from the L.A. Coliseum. Larry and Bob were chosen for one of the most difficult stretches along the entire route. Each boy had to run a mile leg of the run up through the Gorman Pass in forty-degree weather with snow lying on the ground. What an honor for our runners and Fillmore High School back then. The Student Council Secretary at the High School was Martha Fansler, Speaker of the house was Bob Walden, and the Student Council Adviser was Miss Alice Hansen. Larry Yount was the President of the Pi Theta club. He says in the 1960 annual..."The purpose of Pi Theta, as an organization, is to foster interest in higher mathematics. The most worth-while function of the club is the giving of a fifty dollar award to the most outstanding mathematics student." ($50.00 went along way back then) Judy Rogers was the President of the Theta Alpha club. She says in the annual..."Theta Alpha is a club to assist those students planning to enter into the teacher profession. All activities are planned to give as much information as possible in this field by going into different phases of teaching and giving the students an idea of what it is like." They also had the the Letterwomen's Club, and the Letterman's Club. Best Boy, and Best Girl Athlete in 1960 were Elden Collins, and Julia Preciado. We quote from the 1960 Copa de Oro..."You will have to travel a long, long way to find two athletes that deserve this award more then our own Julia Preciado, and Elden Collins. Julia is very adept at all sports, especially in basketball and track. She is currently taking a business course in school and will go on to higher and better things, we are sure, when she graduates in June with the class of '60. Elden is practically Mr. All-everything; you name it in sports and there he is. He made all-league in football and basketball, and is currently working to better his time in high and low hurdles in which he holds the school records." Retiring from Fillmore High in 1960 was Mr. Glen Stull, who had been teaching at Fillmore High for 37 years. He began teaching at Fillmore High in 1923. In 1960 the adviser for the annual staff was Mr. Howard Cook. The Copa de Oro (Year Book) that year was also dedicated to him for his outstanding advice and co-operation which the annual staff of 1960 received. The Fillmore High Alumni Association has most of the High Schools annuals dating back to 1913, and we have to say, the 1960 annual is truly a treasure. Come celebrate the Alumni Associations 100th Birthday at the Alumni Dinner next year on June 15th, 2013. This is the one you don't want to miss. Don't forget to subscribe to the quarterly Alumni Newsletter, Flashbacks. Go to www.fillmorehighalumni.com and subscribe today! "Like" us on Facebook too. GO FLASHES!! |