FHS Alumni News

Last night the Alumni Board had their first Board meeting of the year. Many subjects were discussed from Class Pictures being framed to our 100th Alumni Anniversary in June 2013. The Financial reserves were discussed and approved. The Flashbacks (Newsletter) Editor gave us information on the upcoming issue, and should be ready to mail out before the end of the month. Speaking of Flashbacks, please send us any fun stories of your years growing up in Fillmore, or attending Fillmore Schools. We can publish them in the upcoming issues of Flashbacks.

The 2012 Scholarship Applications were sent to the High School in January, and we already have 37 apps returned for review. The Deadline for the High School Seniors to get their application in to the Alumni office is February 24th.

Another discussion being brought up was having an Alumni Booth at the Fillmore May Festival this May. Information will be collected and then the Board will decide whether to go with this project or not. One of the concerns is getting enough Alumni in the area to work the booth. If you ever have thought about helping the Alumni out in some way or another, please contact the Alumni Office at 805-524-0416, and discuss this with Mark Ortega. It could be anything. Maybe setting up chairs at the Memorial Building for the Alumni Dinner, or sitting at the May Festival Booth to hand out information. We love our organization and we know you do to, so any help, in anyway is appreciated. The Next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 21st, 2012. F.H.S. Alumni., Onword, and upword.