FHS News

After a relaxing week-long vacation for Fillmore High, the school was already back in full swing on Monday, caught up in the flurry of activities centered around our annual Battle of the Sexes rally. There were dress-up days every day of the week, and the Bachelorette at lunch as well. Food Day on Friday proved to be a fantastic success; almost every stand completely sold out. The rally itself was energetic and competitive, finishing with the girls triumphing over the boys, although it was a close call. The same could be said for the two teams going head to head on later that night for the traditional Powder puff football game- junior girls vs. senior girls. The game received an excellent turnout in the stands, parents and friends from both sides coming together to cheer on the teams, each having practiced only a week beforehand. The girls proved themselves more than capable; the game was a very close one- the seniors only had one touchdown: a pass thrown by quarterback Ana Morino to Ashley Coert in the end zone. The juniors put up a hard fight, and nearly scored a touchdown of their own in the third quarter. Overall, it was an excellent week for the entire school, and as the third quarter ends, we look forward to many more in the remaining term.