Pictured are Troy Spayd, Jacob Coffman, and Martin Arias with the Fillmore Public Works Department. Photo credit Brandy Hollis
Article by Brandy Hollis
During summer we watched Fillmore's Public Works Department do double duty. It was refreshing to see objectives met, fields with holes filled in, the landscapers working too, and practice spots for teams would be trash free thanks to the hard work from these guys. Municipal Services Director Troy Spayd came to the City of Fillmore in December 2022.
His first order of business was the sewer breach at C Street. What a welcome for him. While it was a huge inconvenience for most people with lots of complaints, he was ensuring it was done right to stand the test of time and in a timely manner. Troy not only made sure the project was completed but he worked diligently to get over 93% of the costs picked up by FEMA without the need for the city incurring loans and interest. He is looking out for the city's best interest. Council Member Christopher Gurrola said he hopes Troy never leaves, but he should write a manual on how to properly handle these types of situations. He obviously comes with the experience, the follow-through and the drive the city needs.
Troy is ready to listen to the concerns of the public and understands the importance of sports fields for Fillmore. If you see a “Park Closed” sign, don’t be annoyed; it takes some closure to make changes. He is applying for grants to get the parking lots fixed, make the fields playable, and bathrooms safe and working. If it seems like things are happening out of order, those are merely the processes for grant funding for the city, outside of the city budget. The city is working with different sporting organizations to make sure everyone is equally served, and their objectives are met.
Also of importance to the city and the community is graffiti removal. If you see graffiti, email Shannon Godfrey-Prentice at sgodfrey@fillmoreca.gov and they will schedule its removal. Community involvement is a key factor.
A shout-out to Assistance City Manager Erika Herrera for organizing the giant Christmas ornament for family photos with Santa in Central Park. And a big Thank You to the whole city team for December’s downtown Christmas decorations!
Troy relies on a great team such as Jacob Coffman, who joined in May of 2023, and Mark Arias, who has over 21 years of experience understanding the city's ins & outs. There are many others servicing the city's Parks & Rec Department, and a big Thank You to all of them!
If you want your voice to be heard, attend city council meetings; the next one is Tuesday, January 23 at 6:30 pm, Fillmore City Hall. Fill out a speaker card and turn it in to the front before the meeting. It takes a village, and it takes work. Be part of the change you want to see.