Fillmore Civic Pride Names June 2024 Yard of the Month
Fillmore Civic Pride volunteers named the June 2024 Yard of the Month winner Matilde Laureano, pictured above with her granddaughter Emma Torres in her yard at 724 A Street. It is filled with bushes and small Rose trees in various colors. Photo credit Linda Nunes.
Fillmore Civic Pride volunteers named the June 2024 Yard of the Month winner Matilde Laureano, pictured above with her granddaughter Emma Torres in her yard at 724 A Street. It is filled with bushes and small Rose trees in various colors. Photo credit Linda Nunes.

By Linda Nunes

On June 2, 2024, Civic Pride volunteers selected the home of Matilde Laureano at 724 A Street, for the June “Yard of the Month”. Matilde and her late-husband, Geronimo, who passed this year, purchased their home in 1996, after the Northridge Earthquake in 1994.

The front yard was bare dirt and she and Geronimo began planting her favorite flower, the Rose. The entire yard is filled with bushed and small Rose trees in various colors. A healthy Naval Orange tree stands by the front entry and Matilde says it produces many delicious oranges.

Walking around the yard, you can see a cactus, a Rosemary bush, Geraniums with pink flowers, California Poppies and several different herbs like Mint, which she uses in tea.

Her son, also named Geronimo, does the gardening now, with her direction.

When asked if there was anything else she would like to say, she replied that every morning she goes into the yard and talks with her flowers and she thinks that is why they grow so well. She said this is her therapy.
Civic Pride volunteers were happy to present Matilde with a gift card to Otto & Sons Nursery. The group is very appreciative of their generous support for this project over the years.