Fillmore Ebell Club installs 99th Slate of officers
Fillmore Ebell Club Officers. Photos by KSSP Photographic Studios
Fillmore Ebell Club Officers. Photos by KSSP Photographic Studios
Fillmore High School Concert Band entertained the ladies.
Fillmore High School Concert Band entertained the ladies.

At the May luncheon Meeting the Fillmore Ebell Club installed their officers for the 2013/14 year. The installing officer was Margaret Haskell who did a magnificent installation. Officers for 2013/14 year are: President Charlene Smith, 1st VP Marlene Schreffler, 2nd VP Beverly Brisby, 3rdVP Judy Dressler, 4th VP’s Venita Bloxham and Trisha Armstrong-Roberts, Recording Secretary Melodie Stitch, Corresponding Secretary Glenda DeJarnette, Treasurer Mary Ford and Parliamentarian Margaret Haskell. Also at this meeting a check for $300. was presented to Neva Pickets for the Senior Art Program. After the installation the group of ladies were entertained by the Fillmore High School Concert Band which was wonderful as usual.