To the Editor:
Wow, I am truly blown away by what an amazing opportunity our son and a HUGE number of energetic young people and their families were given through the dedication and commitment of Mario and Venessa Robledo, the new management of the Fillmore Equestrian Center. I was there a year ago and what a change! They have created a family-friendly environment with clean grounds, new landscaping, goat pens visible from the road and a clean barn which they sponsored to Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Ventura County (BBBS) for their Earth Day Fundraiser. With fewer and fewer healthy, safe opportunities for our youth to blow off steam, this event was that and so much more! These dedicated adults helped the youth of our community put on a music and art festival style fundraiser for Earth Day. They allowed them to organize, manage, and promote it and it was amazing! The young people danced and sang and experienced being embraced for their exuberance rather than seen as “teenagers up to no good” as many see them. And these teens, feeling so empowered, in turn, embraced having their families there! A rare chance for that connection so many families lose when their kids enter the teen world. The bands that played were incredibly talented! The ENTIRE time was filled with joy like I’ve not seen in a long time! I can’t thank Mario, Venessa, BBBS Staff and all the kids that made this happen – well done and THANK YOU!
-Giselle Yeatman