Fillmore Family Coalition
Merchant Education Visits

Fillmore Family Coalition in partnership with the Ventura County Public Health, Tobacco Education Program is excited to announce its tobacco merchant education campaign for retailers in the City of Fillmore. With support from the Fillmore City Council and Fillmore Sheriff’s Department, Fillmore Family Coalition members along with Tobacco Education Program staff are planning to visit all tobacco retailers in Fillmore.

Did you know? According to Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (2012) 90% of smokers began at or before the age of 18. Given current smoking rates, 596,000 youth alive in California will ultimately die from smoking*. The best way to prevent this is to limit the access youth have to tobacco products. Regardless of the fact that for over 100 years it has been illegal to sell tobacco products to minors, youth still state they find it easy to purchase tobacco products.

These educational visits will serve to empower businesses to make an impact on the health of our community’s youth. During these visits, business owners will be informed of current tobacco laws and information on how to reduce tobacco access to minors. Businesses will also be given a packet of educational materials and state issued tobacco signage.

Anyone interested in joining these efforts or would like more information please contact John Ford at 805.340.7335.