Fillmore FFA Public Speaking Contest

On Wednesday, February 19, Fillmore FFA competed in the Public Speaking Contest at Camarillo High School. Five different schools came including Carpinteria, Santa Paula, Camarillo, Ventura, and Fillmore. 24 Fillmore FFA members participated including eight who placed and got metals. Carolina Lopez received 4th in Creed Speaking, where you recite the FFA Creed. Jessica Manginelli received 2nd and Jane Ramos got 4th in Extemporaneous Speaking, a contest where you write a speech in 30 minutes on a randomly picked topic that you research prior to the contest. Chris Berrington was awarded 5th, Jaylene Ortiz got 4th, and Hellena received 1st in Impromptu, where you answer A.G. and FFA related questions on the spot. The Fillmore FFA team got 2nd place as a team in the CO OP Quiz and in individual awards Nick Johnson got 3rd and Felicity Zavala received 5th. In Job Interview Timmy Klittich was awarded 5th and Hellena Ripolgole received 4th. A handful of the participants get to move on to the regional level where they will compete against the South Coast Region, and if successful, get to move on to the State, and the National Level.

Jessica Mangonelli
Fillmore FFA Reporter