Fillmore Flower Show is Back

Vision 2020, Civic Pride Committee, is sponsoring the revived Fillmore Flower Show on April 10-11, 2010. It will be held at the Fillmore Senior Center, like last year, at 533 Santa Clara Street, Fillmore, California, 93015. The event is open to the public both days from 1:00pm-4:00pm and it is FREE.
The theme will be “Spring Fever” and Fillmore’s Asher Smith will once again beguile us with his violin and mandolin music.
This year, the public will be invited to share in several Flower Show preparation workshops. In January, there will be a workshop presentation by Joanne King on pruning your rose bushes, held at Oralia Herrara’s home. Having roses ready for the show depends on the time of pruning! In February, another workshop at the Herrara’s will be on entry preparations. In March, we are hoping to present a workshop focused on Youth entries. Then the first Wednesday in April (April 7th), the week of the Fillmore Flower Show, the public is invited to join the Ventura County Garden Club at their meeting in Santa Paula at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at 1:00pm to hear judges, Susan Diller and Barbara Schneider speak on flower arrangements and bouquets with critiques and suggestions. The time and date specifics for these workshops and events will be presented in news articles to follow.