Fillmore Flower Show seeking community participation
![]() By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 17th, 2010
Vision 2020, Civic Pride Committee, is, once again, sponsoring the Fillmore Flower Show because of all the positive comments & enthusiastic community participation. The show will be held on April 16-17, 2011. It will be at the Fillmore Senior Center, located at 533 Santa Clara Street, Fillmore, California, 93015. The event is open to the public both days from 1:00pm-4:00pm and it is still FREE. Last year, we had the historical scrapbook loaned from the Fillmore Historical Museum with newspaper articles and photographs beginning in 1925 set up for people to enjoy. Many exclamations were heard, as former community members relived memories as they looked through the book. After the show, Linda Nunes took notes from the book and learned much about the Flower Show legacy. Some of the highlights follow: 1926 Piru Grammar School won first prize with a rainbow of flowers ending in a pot of golden California poppies. 1962 The youth division theme will be “Nursery Rhymes in Flowers” with music provided by William Knight. Commercial exhibits will be included this year. 1964 The flower show committee has banned sunflowers, morning glories, Indian Paint Brush, Bleeding Hearts & Dutchman’s Britches from show entries. (A humorous article about Pampas Grass & Cattails winning prizes was written for the local newspaper & preserved in the scrapbook.) Hand painted crafts as well as art works will be displayed in the show. This year workshops open to the public are being planned to get you enthused about preparing your flowers for show entry and will be announced after plans are completed. The time and date specifics for these workshops and events will be presented in news articles to follow. |