Fillmore High Alumni Association
Two hundred and fifty Fillmore High alumni members and their guests enjoyed an evening of reminiscing, good food and visiting with friends that had not been seen for many years at the Fillmore City Park last Saturday. The graduating classes of 1933, 1938, 1943, 1948, 1953, and 1958 were well represented as this year's honored classes. A good attendance was had for most of the other classes between 1930 and 1970 and each class was represented by their Copa de Oro pictures that were displayed on the Parade of Classes as a backdrop for the speaker's dais.
The meeting was opened with the posting of the colors by Troop 406 of the Boy Scouts of America, which was followed by the invocation by Manny Martinez, class of '71. The excellent dinner again was catered by Doug Binns of D.J.'s catering. The 2008 John and Nit Lemley scholarships were presented to Laura Orozco and Kassaundra Sandoval by John Lemley, class of '61. Alumni scholarships were presented to Ashley Grande,
Christina Amezcua, Briana Rojo, Julio Cesar Chavez, Angelica Serna and Luis Munoz by Vice President Mark Ortega.
Corinna Mozley presented the Parade of Classes by introducing those honored classes that were in attendance. Door prizes, that were provided by alumni members, Kathleen McCreary, Betty Carpenter, Gertrude Lovelace, Lupe Vasquez, Calvin & Lavonne Deeter and Dick Mosbarger were awarded to sixteen lucky alumni members. The 50-50 drawing was won by Elaine Ipswitch, who, along with her husband, Ron had driven down from South Dakota to attend this year's dinner. Elaine said that the money won just might pay for the gas on their return home. A Toolie Palmer bark art picture that was donated by Kathleen McCreary was won by Susan Adams, and a second picture, donated by Calvin & Lavonne Deeter was won by Bill Wilson.
Bob Horn, class of '58 nominated the alumni officers for the 2008-2009, and they were unanimously elected. All officers who have served this year were re-elected as were the two new board members, Glenda DeJarnette and Tricia Gradias. The alumni association is pleased to have these two ladies added to the board.
The evening program ended with the singing of the alma mater which was lead by Mark Ortega.
A program such as this annual dinner cannot be a success without the help of many people, and most of the work was done by the board of directors who planned, organized and carried out the entire evening. Great help was also provided by Matt Mozley, Bill Walden, Bill Reaves, Barry Thompson, Monte Carpenter and John Zermeno, who helped set up and take down the displays. The alumni also thanks Filmore Rentals for providing lights, Fillmore Building Supply and Harold Foy for providing the dais and John Wilber for providing the P. A. system. Bob Cox did a great job in taking pictures of the evening's events. The board is already planning for next year's dinner, which will be held, once again, at the Memorial Building. More information and pictures will appear in the next issue of Flashbacks, which will come out in August, the Fillmore Gazette, and on the alumni website.
Two lost items were found and can be retrieved by contacting the alumni office. One item is a woman's jacket and the other is a memory chip from a digital camera. We are quite sure the owners would like to have them back. Call (805) 524-0416 if either of these items is yours.
The alumni board of directors thanks all members and guests who attended this year's dinner and helped make it the success that it was.