Fillmore High Alumni News
By Dick Mosbarger — Wednesday, October 15th, 2008
![]() Susan Steppler Adams receiving the Toolie Palmer bark art as first prize in drawing. For more photos, visit ![]() 2008 Scholarship Recipients: Laura Orozco, Julio Cesar Chavez, Ashley Grande, Christina Amezcua, Briana Rojo, Angelica Serna, Luis Munoz, Kassaundra Sandoval. For more photos, visit ![]() im Wilson with the second award in the drawing, Donated by Calvin and Lavonne Deeter. For more photos, visit If you haven't already found it, Scott Duckett, our alumni webmaster has put 31 pictures from the 2008 alumni dinner on the Alumni Dinner page of the alumni website. We thank Bob Cox for supplying us with all the pictures. If you have already checked on this page of our website, you saw some errors in some of the names, and for this we apologize, but they have all been corrected, so we hope there weren't too many people upset over this. Some classes are already starting their plans for the 2009 alumni dinner that will be held on Saturday, June 6, 2009 at the Memorial Building. So if your class graduation year ends in 4 or 9, and if you are planning a reunion, please let the alumni office know so we can put information in the Flashbacks, in the Gazette and on our website. If any class doesn't want to go to all the effort of planning a class reunion out of town, please plan on attending the alumni dinner as your class reunion. We will have an area for visiting before the dinner, reserved tables for you at the dinner and will provide an area for visiting after the dinner. We hope to have many classes at this year's dinner. The Scholarship Committee is working to update the scoring system for the alumni scholarships prior to handing out the scholarship applications to this year's seniors in January. The committee hopes to receive more applications and be able to award more scholarships this year, as well as continue to offer Continuation Grants to those alumni who are already attending colleges and universities. The alumni office greatly appreciates the many donations that come into the office for alumni scholarships. The next issue of Flashbacks will be coming out in November, thanks to the hard work of Kathleen Penrod McCreary. She has lots of information from alumni members, which is what makes this newsletter so interesting. If we didn't have input from graduates and others, there wouldn't be a whole lot to publish, so we thank you for your input. A notice will come out prior to our mailing the next issue, so be looking for it. For more Alumni Dinner photos, visit |