Fillmore High Alumni News
By Anonymous — Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011
![]() Fillmore High Alumni Association The February issue of the alumni newsletter, "Flashbacks" is in the mail and you who subscribe to it, or are Life Members, should receive your copy early next week. If you do not receive one, please contact the alumni office at 805-524-0416 or at The February Alumni Board meeting was held Monday, February 21 at the home of Marla DeZavala, with all members but two in attendance. The financial report showed that the three accounts of the alumni association--the General Fund, the Scholarship Foundation and the Life Endowment are in good shape, but additional funds are always needed. The class pictures that are displayed during the alumni dinner in June are being reframed as the old frames are twenty years old and are not in good condition to be transported and hung many more times. It was determined that the alumni would not sponsor a golf tournament this year prior to the alumni dinner because Elkins Ranch Golf Course was not available. Barry Thompson is in charge of this event and will schedule it for the 2012 banquet weekend. It was decided to contact all the previous alumni scholarship recipients who are not Life Members or subscribers to Flashbacks to encourage them to be supportive of the alumni association by becoming Life Members or subscribing to the newsletter. Several board members will be contacting members via Facebook and other will phone members to get current addresses and phone numbers as well as encourage them to become active in the association. Scholarship applications have gone out and 41 were returned to the alumni office by Friday, Feb. 25 by 3:30 p.m. The applications will be scored by members of the Scholarship Committee to determine which applicants will be interviewed on April 13 to determine who will receive the 2011 Alumni Scholarships. Continuation Grant applications are due June 30, 2011. Preliminary discussion of the alumni dinner, planned for June 4 at the Memorial Building, was held, and it was suggested that events begin at 3:00 p.m. for class visitations, with dinner at 6:00 p.m., and the Memorial Building will be available until 11:00 p.m. for continuing visiting by alumni members. It is hoped that more classes will choose the alumni dinner as their class reunion. Two new members of the alumni board were elected. Mark Avila, class of '84 and Rick Cadena, class of '83, were welcomed on board, and we look forward to working with them in the coming years. The February issue of the alumni newsletter, "Flashbacks" is in the mail and you who subscribe to it, or are Life Members, should receive your copy early next week. If you do not receive one, please contact the alumni office at 805-524-0416 or at staff@FillmoreHigh The February Alumni Board meeting was held Monday, February 21 at the home of Marla DeZavala, with all members but two in attendance. The financial report showed that the three accounts of the alumni association--the General Fund, the Scholarship Foundation and the Life Endowment are in good shape, but additional funds are always needed. The class pictures that are displayed during the alumni dinner in June are being reframed as the old frames are twenty years old and are not in good condition to be transported and hung many more times. It was determined that the alumni would not sponsor a golf tournament this year prior to the alumni dinner because Elkins Ranch Golf Course was not available. Barry Thompson is in charge of this event and will schedule it for the 2012 banquet weekend. It was decided to contact all the previous alumni scholarship recipients who are not Life Members or subscribers to Flashbacks to encourage them to be supportive of the alumni association by becoming Life Members or subscribing to the newsletter. Several board members will be contacting members via Facebook and other will phone members to get current addresses and phone numbers as well as encourage them to become active in the association. Scholarship applications have gone out and 41 were returned to the alumni office by Friday, Feb. 25 by 3:30 p.m. The applications will be scored by members of the Scholarship Committee to determine which applicants will be interviewed on April 13 to determine who will receive the 2011 Alumni Scholarships. Continuation Grant applications are due June 30, 2011. Preliminary discussion of the alumni dinner, planned for June 4 at the Memorial Building, was held, and it was suggested that events begin at 3:00 p.m. for class visitations, with dinner at 6:00 p.m., and the Memorial Building will be available until 11:00 p.m. for continuing visiting by alumni members. It is hoped that more classes will choose the alumni dinner as their class reunion. Two new members of the alumni board were elected. Mark Avila, class of '84 and Rick Cadena, class of '83, were welcomed on board, and we look forward to working with them in the coming years. |