Fillmore High Alumni News
![]() By Dick Mosbarger — Wednesday, June 8th, 2011
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() With the largest crowd in ten years, nearly 300 alumni members met at the Memorial Building in Fillmore to celebrate the 98th year of the Fillmore High Alumni Association. Mark Ortega, class of '70 and the Vice President, opened the evening with information regarding the evening program and some history of the alumni association. Boy Scout troop 406 presented the colors, which was followed by the pledge of allegiance. Roy Henderson, class of '47 then gave the invocation which was followed by the delicious dinner prepared by Rigo Landeros and Greg Laird of Laird's Catering. The evening's program began with the recognition of the Honored Classes, which were the ones that graduated in the years ending in 1 or 6. Kenny Rogers of the class of '46 was able to get 12 of his classmates to attend their 65th reunion and Beverly Hooper Bishop, class of '51 had a fine turnout for her class's 60th reunion. The class of 1961 showed up in force with over 40 members present after a Friday evening reunion at the Merriott in Oxnard, which was coordinated by Betty Reed Carpenter. Preceding the presentations of this year's alumni scholarships to graduating seniors, Stephanie Gomez, class of 2002, and a former recipient of an alumni scholarship and several alumni continuation grants, spoke on how the alumni scholarships had aided her in achieving her education. John Lemley began the scholarship presentations by introducing the two recipients of his scholarship--two $2500 scholarships for two years plus a one-time offer of $500 towards a laptop computer. The recipients were Troy Spencer and Claire Faith. The other eight recipients of the alumni scholarships were: Brianne Cesario the Dulcie Arnold Memorial Scholarship, Riley Wright the Carl and Helen Siechert Memorial Scholarship, Sean Chandler the American Legion Scholarship, Chrisitan Conaway the Masonic Temple Scholarship, Chloe Keller the Wm. Brisby Memorial Science Scholarship, Isis Topete the Piru Youth Organization Scholarship, Ana Pantoja the Conway Spitler Business Scholarship and Grace Simon the Fillmore Breakfast Club Scholarship. Each of these scholarships is in the amount of $1000. Door prizes were awarded to Em Wendel, Isis Topete, Elaine Ipswitch and Carol Shiells who received gift baskets of tomatores from Beylik Family Farms. Gift boxes of avocados from Mission Produce were awarded to Ray Hoover, Jillian Wilber, Jerry Crockett and Mike Hope. Tote bags that were made by Gertrude Lovelace were presented to Gay Newman and Jane McCreary. John Wilber, Principal at Fillmore High won a hand knitted scarf in blue with a white flash which was made by Carmen Zermeno. Very appropriate. The Fillmore and Western Railroad presented Mystery Train tickets to Janine Rees and four subscriptions to the alumni newsletter, "Flashbacks" were won by Terry Rudkin, Jack Edmonds, Harvey Hopkins and Kenny Myers. This year three prizes were presented, thanks to the generosity of Elkins Ranch Golf Course and Cheryl Dimmitt and Mike Richardson of Quality Ag. Kenny Rogers and Kenny Myers each won a round of golf for four golfers at Elkins Ranch and Judy Bartels won a cord of wood from Mike Richardson. Our thanks go out to all who donated these wonderful prizes. The names of the officers of the Fillmore High Alumni Association for the 2011-2012 year were put into nomination by John Lemley, who was class president of the class of 1961. The new officers are Mark Ortega, President; Corinna Mozley, Vice President; Glenda DeJarnette, Secretary; Marla DeZavala, Financial Director; Kathleen McCreary, Flashbacks Editor; Maria Kilgore, Historian; and Directors, Michelle Haase, Tricia Gradias, Barry Thompson, Mark Avila and Rick Cadena. Dick Mosbarger will assume the office of Past President. He was presented a lovely retiring Presidents plaque by the members of the Board of Directors. The evening's program was closed with the singing of the alma mater by all in attendance, but many alumni members and guests stayed around for several hours to visit, which the alumni board hopes will become a tradition. Plans are already being made for the 99th alumni dinner next year and even for the 100th dinner in two years. That should be a big one. |