Fillmore High Alumni Association
WOW!! Talk about a great response from the latest issue of the alumni newsletter, Flashbacks, that was sent out last Saturday. Not only are we getting many renewals for subscriptions to Flashbacks, but we received two offers for copies of the 1944 Copa de Oro, which has been absent from our library of high school annuals for many years. Bill Stocker, class of '44, came by with one of the two copies that that he has, and Harold Southwick, class of '45 called from Orem, UT, with an offer of his copy. Since we already have one on hand from Bill, Harold was told to hold on to his copy as they are very rare. Harold's offer is very much appreciated. This means that the alumni office now has at least one copy of a Copa de Oro from every year that a yearbook was printed. The exceptions are 1918 and 1919 when an annual was not printed due to World War I.
The November meeting of the Alumni Board of Directors was held last Monday at the home of Marla and Bill DeZavala, with all but two members present. The first item of business was to elect a new Secretary to fill the position previously held by Margaret Hackney Haskell for so many years. Glenda Gregory DeJarnette, class of '59, volunteered to fill in until we could find someone permanent, but later decided that she could do the job and would be our Secretary. For this, we are very appreciative.
The alumni dinner was discussed, and more emphasis was placed on encouraging classes who will be celebrating class reunions to do so at the alumni dinner on June 6 at the Memorial Building. Areas for meeting and visiting will be provided before and after the dinner, and special tables will be set up for each honored class during the dinner. The classes of 1959 and 1979 are already in their planning stages, and the classes of 1949 and 1954 are putting out the word that they want their reunions to be held at the alumni dinner. Class lists and mailing labels can be obtained from the alumni office for a deposit of $25, which will be returned if an up to date list of class members and addresses are returned to the alumni office. Troop 406 will again handle the flag salute ceremonies and the Bardsdale 4-H will help with the serving of the dinner.
Comments were made on the revisions in the scoring procedure for the alumni scholarships to help attract more applicants, and also to notify everyone that the Continuation Grants for graduates who are already attending colleges and universities will be available again this year. These applications may be obtained from the alumni office anytime after the first of the year and must be returned to the alumni office prior to July 1, 2009. Scholarship applications for high school seniors will be available January 21, 2009.
A reminder was made of the Shasta Daisy project being handled by Kirk Richter, class of '77 and his Horticulture class at the high school, and that anyone who has rooted cuttings to donate, flowers to donate for graduation, or who wish to donate money for this project, should contact Kirk at the high school or the alumni office.
The November issue of Flashbacks was handed out to all board members present, with the thanks to Kathleen Penrod McCreary, class of '66 for another great job of editing this important newsletter. We get lots of comments on how fortunate our alumni are to have such a newsletter.
Several Flashbacks have been returned due to lost mailing labels or stamps, so if you have not received your copy of the November issue, please call the alumni office, 524-0416, and a copy will be sent to you.
The next alumni board meeting will be held February 23, 2009. Be sure to check the alumni website at www.fillmorehighalumni.com for additional alumni news.